CIIE draws global focus to China's central SOEs| August 29, 2024

The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) Embraces Opportunities from China International Import Expo (CIIE) event took place on Aug 14.

The event, the first in the CIIE Goes to Central State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) series, encompassed thematic seminars, supply-demand matchmaking meetings, and on-site visits.

Focusing on the practical necessity of advancing the digitalization, intelligence, and greening of CNOOC's marine oil and gas development, the event invited 24 exhibitors from the CIIE Exhibition Areas of Intelligent Industry and Information Technology, and Trade in Services to attend, with 16 of them being Fortune Global 500 enterprises and industry leaders.

Wu Zhengping, deputy director-general of the CIIE Bureau, said that SOEs serve as the vanguard of China's high-level opening-up to the outside world and the driving force behind procurement at the CIIE, contributing to the continuous improvement of the expo.

Wu said he hopes the event will further enhance cooperation between CIIE exhibitors and CNOOC, helping CNOOC accelerate the development of new quality productive forces and propel the high-quality development of the marine oil and gas industry to new heights.

According to Wu, the CIIE Goes to Central SOEs series aim to further amplify the spillover effects of the CIIE by creating a new platform for practical cooperation in the economic and trade fields between SOEs and CIIE exhibitors. The series will help transform the vast Chinese market into a great opportunity for the world.

During the CNOOC Embraces Opportunities from CIIE event, a slew of subsidiaries and units of CNOOC participated in the supply-demand matchmaking event. Additionally, CNOOC mobilized CIIE exhibitors to visit the China Offshore Oil Industry Exhibition Hall to gain in-depth insights into the industry and exchange industry experiences.


The exhibitors involved in the event are listed at a wall. [Photo/CIIE Bureau]


Exhibitors and buyers engage in discussion at the supply-demand matchmaking event. [Photo/CIIE Bureau]