Remuneration in Foreign Currency Exchange

Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange

I. Applicable Objects

(I) Basic Requirements for Employers

1. Employers shall be established by law with actual business premises, pay taxes and social insurances according to law, without serious illegal and dishonest acts; the employment of foreigners shall be for special needs and the appropriate candidates are in short supply domestically in China, while the post doesn't violate any government regulations; the salary or remuneration for those foreigners shall not be lower than the local minimum wage.

2. For pre-approval by the industry competent authority by law, it shall be approved.

(II) Basic Requirements for Applicants

1. Capable applicants with qualified professional skills or knowledge shall have a clearly-defined employer in China and shall be at least 18 years old in good health and without criminal record.

2. Those applicants shall engage in urgently needed jobs in China and can make contributions to China's economic and social development.

3. The laws and regulations which have special provisions, if any, for the employment of foreigners in China shall prevail.

4. Those applicants shall have remuneration from a legal job in Shanghai.

II. Legal Basis

Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange's Shanghai Branch on a Trial Program of Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange.

III. Procedure

Access to Government Online-Offline Shanghai ( via ECA (electronic certificate authority), switch to the "Related Administrative Regions or Functional Zones", click "Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange in Shanghai (Application)" under "Public Services", and then click "Apply". Fill in the Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange. Download and duplex-print it to be signed by the applicant and affixed with the official seal of the employer before it is uploaded to the system. There is no need to wait for the results of the preliminary review. The applicant or the handler shall present the original documents at the reception windows.

IV. Applicant

The employer or the foreign talent. (The employer shall send a handler who has registered at the Service System for Foreigners Working in China to submit the paper documents at the reception windows.)

V. Documents Required

(I) New Applicant with Foreigner's Work Permit

1. Foreigner's Work Permit

2. Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange

3. Other documents: Documents provided as required by the reception authority

(II) New Applicant with R Visa

1. Information page and page with entry stamp of the passport

2. Copy of Confirmation Letter for Foreign High-end Talents

3. Income certificate

4. Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange

5. Other documents: Documents provided as required by the reception authority.

(III) Change (of employer, remuneration, etc.)

1. Foreigner's Work Permit

2. Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange (Old Version)

3. Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange (New Version)

4. Other documents: Documents provided as required by the reception authority.

VI. Notes

1. Please safely keep the Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange and present it to the handling bank every time when handling remuneration foreign exchange business.

2. The Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange shall be valid for two years.

3. If the Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange has expired, been changed, etc., and balance transfer is to be registered, please submit the original copy at the reception window for renewal, and transfer the balance to the new pass.

4. The Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange carries important information, and shall not be replaced if lost. In case of a loss, remuneration foreign exchange business shall be handled at the bank counter upon your valid ID, labor contract, income certificate and income tax certificate.

5. The Fast Pass on Foreign Talents Remuneration Foreign Exchange shall be duplex-printed.

VII. Reception Way and Time

(I) Reception Way

1. Reception at the Window

Reception Department: The Administrative Center of Shanghai R&D Public Service Platforms (Shanghai S&T Talents Development Center/Shanghai Service Center for Foreigners Working in China)

Municipal Reception Address:

Windows 1-4, Shanghai Science & Technology Administrative Service Center, 1F, Jimao Building, 1525 West Zhongshan Road, Xuhui District

Windows 17-19, 3F, 1500 Minsheng Road, Pudong New Area (Single Window for Foreigners' Work Permit and Residence Permit)

For other sites, please refer to the list of names and addresses of the handling authorities (at the website of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs) and the website of Shanghai R&D Public Service Platforms

2. Online Reception

Access to Government Online-Offline Shanghai ( via ECA (electronic certificate authority), switch to the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, click "Foreigner's Work Permit in China", then click "Foreigner's Work Permit in China (>90 days)", to the Service System for Foreigners Working in China. Or, access to the Service System for Foreigners Working in China directly via Government Online-Offline Shanghai (

(II) Reception Time

Window Reception Time


Number Taking Time




800-820-5114 (Landline)

400-820-5114 (Mobile Phone)

Source: Guide to Issues Regarding Foreigner's Work in Shanghai