Merchant registration for Shanghai dining coupon program

After the State Council, China's Cabinet, unveiled a guideline on Aug 3 to boost high-quality service consumption and unlock spending potential, Shanghai is launching a new dining coupon program. Here's how merchants can sign up:

Who can apply?

To be eligible, merchants must meet the following criteria:

1. Operate a restaurant in Shanghai with all necessary licenses;

2. Not be on the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation's list of serious violators;

3. Have payment equipment like POS machines or QR code scanners;

4. Ensure that both merchant and terminal numbers are only used in Shanghai stores, and not shared across other regions.

How and when to apply?

1. Application period: Sept 23 to Nov 17

- Merchants applying between Sept 23 and Sept 25 will be included in the first batch, with approval by Sept 28.

- Those applying between Sept 26 and Sept 28 will be part of the second batch, with approval by Oct 1.

- Applications received between Sept 29 and Oct 5 will be reviewed and approved by Oct 12.

Note: The list of participating merchants will be updated weekly until the program ends.

2. How to apply:

- Registration link: Click here

- QR code for registration:


Step 1

Check the box for "I acknowledge the activity rules" and click "Apply now".


Step 2

Enter your phone number and the SMS verification code to log in to the application system.


Step 3

Fill in the following required information and click "Confirm application":



- Merchants must provide accurate and complete information when registering. You will also need to upload a signed and stamped merchant commitment letter for the event. Scan the QR code to download the merchant commitment letter.


- Additionally, merchants must choose at least one of the designated platforms for coupon redemption.

- For any questions, please contact the hotline: 86+95516.

Merchant list publication

The platforms distributing the coupons will publish a list of approved merchants able to accept them.

Event guidelines

Throughout the program, merchants are required to:

- Follow the guidelines and assist with marketing promotions;

- Maintain fair, honest, and high-quality service;

- Avoid adding any extra conditions for coupon use;

- Resist any form of coupon abuse or fraud.

Merchants found engaging in illegal or non-compliant behavior will be disqualified from the program, and serious violations may lead to legal consequences.


Source: Official WeChat account of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce