How can an accountant transfer their registration information (qualifications) out of Shanghai?

Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau| July 08, 2024

An accountant's registration information can be transferred out of Shanghai through the following steps:

1. The accountant in question logs into Shanghai's accountant information system, submits the application for an outbound transfer through the "Transfer out of Shanghai" module, and uploads necessary documents such as proof of change of work location (templates for this process can be downloaded from the accountant information system).

2. Shanghai's financial authority in charge of out-going transfers will then review the application. If the application is approved, the transfer will be confirmed. If the review fails, the application will be rejected.

3. Ten working days after submitting the application to transfer their registration information out of Shanghai, accountants can log into the official SMFB website and check their review results and relevant feedback in the "My Affairs" (我的办事) section.