How can an accountant's registration information (qualifications) be transferred from other provincial-level administrative regions to Shanghai?

Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau| July 08, 2024

An accountant's registration information can be transferred from other provincial-level administrative regions to Shanghai on the condition that requirements for "information collection targets" listed by Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau (SMFB)'s Circular [2019] No 20) are met. The transfer shall go through the following steps:

1. The accountant in question submits an online application for transfer at their previous administrative region and uploads necessary documents such as the proof of change of workplace or residence permit. Then, the financial authority at the place of origin confirms the outward transfer.

2. The accountant in question logs in or registers himself/herself on Shanghai's accountant information system (, and then submits the application for the inbound transfer through the "Transfer into Shanghai" module.

3. Shanghai's financial authority will then conduct a review in accordance with relevant provisions stated in SMFB's Circular [2019] No 20. If the application is approved after review, the accountant's registration information shall be accepted; If the review fails, the registration information shall be rejected.

4. Ten working days after submitting the application for the transfer of registration information to Shanghai, the accountant in question can log into the official SMFB website ( and check the results of their review and other relevant feedback in the "My Affairs" (我的办事) section.