Navigating futures: Major city grad recruitment event unveiled| December 15, 2023

On September 22, China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security initiated the 2023 autumn special recruitment event for college graduates in major cities, with expectations to provide over ten million employment opportunities.

The event establishes the main sessions of the joint recruitment event in major cities and various provincial sessions, unveiling online activities such as industry-specific sessions, regional sessions, recruitment livestreaming, policy presentations, and guidance on employment and entrepreneurship.

This initiative focuses on areas with significant employment demand and market shortages, continuously introducing industry-specific and regional recruitment fairs

In cities with concentrated universities, a large number of graduates, and significant employment tasks, as well as in cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt and less developed areas in the central and western regions, the Ministry organizes comprehensive or industry-specific inter-regional job fairs to enhance the flow of talent.

Market leaders, including Zhongzhi Group, the China International Investment Corporation, Zhaopin, BOSS Zhipin, Liepin, Alibaba International Station, actively participate in the events, offering diversified and tailored employment services for college graduates.

The event will be hosted on the China National Talent Network online ( and will feature an employment guidance map, linking to provincial online sections and service areas of market entities. College graduates can log on to the event platform to access relevant information and connect with service resources as needed.

