Apartments for Overseas Returnees|

To foster the growth of talent in technological innovation in Shanghai's Changning district, the district has implemented special support for renting apartments during the transitional period of overseas returnees with a master's degree or higher from a top 100 global university or a top 20 university in their field, provided they have returned for less than one year.

Additionally, applicants and their spouses must not already have housing in the city and should not have received previous benefits from local housing security policies.

Support details of methods and duration:

Support is provided in two 6-month phases:

Phase 1: Subsidies for the first 6 months are divided into two standards using the "3+3" model. For master's degree holders, the subsidy is 3,000 yuan ($423.02) per month for the first 3 months and 2500 yuan per month for the next 3 months. For doctoral degree holders, the subsidy is 4,000 yuan per month for the first 3 months and 3,000 yuan per month for the next 3 months.

Phase 2: After the initial 6 months, for those employed in Changning and committed to stable work, an additional 6 months of subsidy is provided based on the standards of the first 3 months of the initial 6-month period.

To apply:

1. Complete an online application through the "Shanghai Changning" App, "Changning Hongqiao Talent" WeChat account, or the "Overseas Returnees Apartment Application" mini-program.

2. Choose housing options when submitting the online application.

3. Receive the application review within 10 working days from the application submission date.

4. Upon approval, sign the commitment letter for residence and a housing lease contract with the apartment operator to complete the move-in process.


From left to right:The QR codes of the "Shanghai Changning" App, "Changning Hongqiao Talent" WeChat account, and the "Overseas Returnees Apartment Application" mini-program.

Source: WeChat account of Changning Hongqiao Talent