Decision of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on Further Promoting and Ensuring the Reform of the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai"

Decision of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on Further Promoting and Ensuring the Reform of the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai"

(June 23, 2021)

With a view to further improvingthis Municipality’s “Government Online-Offline Shanghai”, deepening the reform of “delegation, control, and service”, helping the digital transformation of cities, innovating systems and mechanisms, optimizing the business environment, effectively facilitating private enterprises, and promoting the modernization of urban governance systems and capabilities, according to the Several Provisions of the State Council on On-line Government Services, and other provisions, and in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality, the following Decision is made:

1.This Municipality shall promote the reform of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai", integrate dataresources, strengthen business collaboration, optimize service processes, expand service scope, and build a standardized, normalized, convenient, and inclusive all-round service system to provide individuals, enterprises and market entitieswith more efficient, convenient and accurate services.

2. The municipal and district people’s governments shall strengthen leadership over the reform of the “Government Online-Offline Shanghai”, clarify the competent department for the “Government Online-Offline Shanghai” reform in the administrative region, and establish a cross-field, cross-department, and cross-sector coordination system with clear division of labor, clear powers and responsibilities, and efficient operation to coordinate the resolution of major issues in the reform. All municipal-level departments shall strengthen the overall planning and guidance of the reform of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" in the corresponding field.

Support the Pudong New Area to take the lead in innovating and exploring in the reform mechanism and service model of the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai"; when conditions are ripe, it can be promoted throughout the whole Municipality.

3. This Municipality shall strengthen the construction of an integrated platform of “Government Online-Offline Shanghai”, relying on the “Shanghai, China” portal website, “application processing” mobile terminal, self-service terminal and offline service window, to achieve online and offline integration, standard consistency, and channel complement andprovide multi-channel services for individuals and enterprises and other market entities.

The municipal organs at all levels, as well as institutions and social organizations that perform public management and service functions (hereinafter collectively7 referred to as public service organizations) shall carry out the whole process and integrated operation of service matters in accordance with the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" standard and norms. Government organs and public service organizations at all levels in this Municipality shall integrate their government service mobile terminal into the“application processing” mobile terminal, and no new government service mobile terminal will be set.

This Municipalityshall strengthen the construction of district administrative service centers, and neighborhood and town/township community affairs service centers (hereinafter collectively referred to as government affairs service centers), and promote the concentration of enterprises and other market entities in the district administrative service centers, and personal matters to the neighborhood and town/township community affairs service centers; clarify the duties, powers and operating procedures of the office window; matters that can be handled on the spotshall be handled on the spot.

4. This Municipalityshall optimize the business process of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai", promote the whole process of online service of service matters, and provide online services of the whole process and all links including application, acceptance, decision and delivery. For matters that have already been processed online, applicants who apply for online processing shall not be required to go through the process on site; application materials that can be obtained through real-time intercommunication and sharing of the municipal big data resource platform shall not be required for separate submissions by applicants.

Individuals, enterprises, and other market entities may independently choose the channels for government affairs services handling, and the municipal organs and public service agencies at all levels shall handle them in accordance with the channels they choose.

The municipal organs and public service agencies at all levels shall implement integrated handling of multiple “Government Online-Offline Shanghai” service items that are highly related to business processes, implement one-time notification, one-form application, one-spot acceptance, one-Internet processing, and unified certificate issuance to promote "one thing completed efficiently"; comprehensive window services shall be promotedin government affairs service centers at all levels, and comprehensive acceptance, classified processing, and unified delivery shall be implemented.

5. The Municipalityshall explore the innovation in the comprehensive window active service model, strengthen the standardization of approval elements, rely on big data, artificial intelligence and other technical means, and according to the applicant's service needs, through the city big data resource platform and other channels, real-time exchange and sharing of relevant information to form standard, complete and accurate application materials, to realize the applicant“exempt from information filling and material submission", and the application items completed upon consultation for once.

6. This Municipality shall support the reform of "one industry, one license", and integrates multiple licenses involved in one industry's access into one industry comprehensive license, which is integrated through the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" platform.

The information integrated in the industry comprehensive license has the same proof force as the relevant single license. The comprehensive industry license is universal inthis Municipality.

7. This Municipality shall promote a unified electronic license service. If the organs and public service organizations at all levels need to issue licenses in "Government Online-Offline Shanghai", they shall provide electronic licenses; if applicants request physical licenses, they shall ensure that the information in electronic license is consistent with that in physical license they issue simultaneously.

Individuals, enterprises, and other market entities that can provide electronic licenses in this Municipality are exempt from submitting physical licenses, unless otherwise provided by laws and administrative rules.

This Municipality shall expand the application of electronic certificates in the field of social services.

8. This Municipality shall rely on the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" platform to promote the construction of the "Internet + Supervision" system, strengthen the interconnection and intercommunication of the supervision business systems of various relevant departments, promote the collection and sharing of supervision information in related fields and industries, and improve supervision efficiency.

9. This Municipality shall strengthen the data management and security guarantee in the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai", and theorgans and public service agencies at all levelsshall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality, effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, enterprises and other market entities.

10. This Municipality shall promote the socialized application of "Shanghai QR Code" and use "Shanghai QR Code" as the digital identification code for individuals and enterprises and other market entities to realize “one code for all.” Relying on citizens' homepages and corporate-specific webpages, personalized, precise, active and intelligent services shall be provided.

The service of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" shall fully take into account the needs of special groups such as the elderly and the disabled, and shall solve the difficulties encountered by special groups in the use of intelligent technology.

11. This Municipality shallimprove the system of “good and bad service evaluating” for “Government Online-Offline Shanghai” , implement one evaluation at a time, one evaluation for each case, expand evaluation channels, improve evaluation methods, and provide convenience for individuals, enterprises and other market entities to evaluate service quality, andpromptly rectify the problems found.

12. The competent department for the reform of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" shall evaluate the effectiveness of the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" reform of government departments, and take the evaluation results as an important basis for work improvement and performance evaluation.

13. This Municipalityshall strengthen cooperation and exchanges in the reform of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" in the Yangtze River Delta region, and improve the "cross-province service" working mechanism. Promote the mutual recognition of electronic certificates and data source sharingin the Yangtze River Delta region, and create high-frequency high-quality scene applications.

14. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress shall formulate and modify relevant local rules or make provisions in the relevant local rules to promote and guarantee the reform of the “Government Online-Offline Shanghai” according to the actual needs of the “Government Online-Offline Shanghai” reform.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress may decide to temporarily adjust or stop implementing some of the provisions related to the reform of the “Government Online-Offline Shanghai” in the local laws and rules of this Municipality.

15. The Standing Committees of the Municipal and District People's Congresses shall strengthen the supervision of the implementation of this Decision by listening to special work reports and other methods.

The Standing Committees of the Municipal and District People’s Congresses shall give full play to the role of deputies to the people’s congresses at all levels, gather and reflect the opinions and suggestions of the people, and urge the relevant parties to implement the various work of the "Government Online-Offline Shanghai" reform.

16. This Municipality shall guarantee the reform and innovation of "Government Online-Offline Shanghai". Where the expected goals are not achieved in the reform and innovation, but relevant units and individuals have made decisions and implement in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality, and are diligent and conscientious without seeking personal gains,no negative evaluation shall be made and related responsibilities exempted according to law.

This Decision shall be effective as of July 1, 2021.