Decision of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on Formulating Rulesof Pudong New Area to Strengthen Rule-of-Law Safeguards for High-Level Reform and Opening-Up in This Area

Decision of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on Formulating Rulesof Pudong New Area to Strengthen Rule-of-Law Safeguards for High-Level Reform and Opening-Up in This Area

(June 23, 2021)

In order to thoroughly implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on supporting the high-level reform and opening up of Pudong New Area and building a pioneer zone of socialist modernization, to establish, improve and supporta rule-of-law safeguard system that is compatible with Pudong's bold trials and experiments as well as independent reform, and to legally guarantee Pudong’s efforts to become a vanguard of higher-level reform and opening up, a pace-setter in fully building a modern socialist country, a model that highlights the Chinese people's confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the following decision is made in the light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality.

I. In response to Pudong’s practical needs for reform and innovation, the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress shall, in accordance with the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Authorizing Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee to Formulate Rulesfor Pudong New Area and by following the Constitution provisions as well as the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative rules, formulate rulesfor Pudong New Area, and may make adaptations to the existing laws, administrative rules and departmental regulationsfor implementation in Pudong New Area.

II. The Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress shall, in conjunction with the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Pudong New Area, establish working procedures and make institutional arrangements for the creation, drafting and deliberation of rulesfor Pudong, and shall solicit opinions on the necessity of the legislation and make feasibility studies of important systems. The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Pudong New Area shall establish a working mechanism for it to participate in the drafting and formulation of the rules for Pudong.

The rulesformulated for Pudong New Area shall be reported respectively to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and the State Counsel for recordation, and the circumstances for the adaptations to the laws, administrative rules and departmental regulations shall be explained.

III. In areas not yet covered by the existing laws, rules or other clear provisions, the People's Congress and its Standing Committee of Pudong New Area and the People's Government of Pudong New Area are supported to develop relevant administrative measures and report them, as required, to the higher-level Congress and Government before their implementation.

The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress and the People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish and improve the mechanism for evaluating the implementation of the administrative measures and make timely proposals for transforming those measures into rules.

The Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress shall establish a regular working mechanism to promptly solidify in the form of rules the experiences gained in the explorative administrative measures.

IV. The relevant departments of Shanghai Municipality and Pudong New Area shall implement and enforce this Decision, the Decision of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on Promoting and Guaranteeingthe Comprehensive Integrated Pilot ReformProgram of Pudong New Area, and the Decision of the Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on Promoting and Guaranteeing the New-round Reform and Opening-up of Pudong New Area to Achieve High-Quality Development in the New Era. The aforesaid departments shall strengthen the legislativeintegration and connectivity, forge ahead with institutional opening-up, and amplify the comprehensive effect of reform and opening-up, so as to achieve the overall synergy of rule-of-law safeguards for high-level reform and opening up of Pudong New Area.

V. This Decision shall be effective as of June 23, 2021.