Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Urban Renewal

Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Urban Renewal

(August 25, 2021)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1

With a view to implementing the important concept of “the people’s city”, carrying forward the spirit and character of the city, promoting urban renewal, upgrading the city level, creating a high-quality life, inheriting historical culture, improving the city competitiveness, strengthening the soft power of the city, and building an international socialist modern metropolis with global influence, these Regulations are formulated according to relevant laws and administrative rules, and in light of the actual circumstances of this Municipality.

Article 2

These Regulations apply to the urban renewal activities and relevant supervision and administration within the administrative area of this Municipality.

The urban renewal in these Regulations means the activities of carrying out continuous improvement of urban spatial forms and functions within the built-up areas of this Municipality, specifically including:

1. strengthening the construction of infrastructure and public facilities, and improving the service level of the megacity;

2. optimizing the regional functional layout, and shaping a new pattern of urban space;

3. improving the overall living quality and the urban living environment;

4. enhancing the protection of historical culture, and shaping the style and features of the city; and

5. other urban renewal activities identified by the Municipal People’s Government.

Article 3

The urban renewal in this Municipality shall adhere to reservation, renovation and demolition as the usual methods”, with reservation and protection as the main choice, and abide by the principles of planning first, overall promotion, government promotion, market operation, being  digital technology integrated, and environment-friendly with low carbon, giving priority to people’s livelihood, and ensuring joint construction and sharing.

Article 4

The Municipal People’s Government shall strengthen leadership over the urban renewal of this Municipality.

The Municipal People’s Government shall establish a coordination and promotion mechanism for urban renewal, to make plans in an overall manner and coordinate the citywide urban renewal work, and research and deliberate over relevant major matters concerning urban renewal; the Office shall be set up in the municipal administrative department of housing and urban-rural development, and be responsible for the specific routine work.

Article 5

The department of planning and resources shall be responsible for formulating the guideline on urban renewal, promote such relevant work as urban renewal of industries, commercial office projects, municipal infrastructure and public service facilities according to its functions and duties, and bear the duties of land planning and land management relevant to urban renewal.

The administrative department of housing and urban-rural development shall, according to its functions and duties, promote such relevant work of urban renewal as reconstruction of old areas, renewal of old housing, reconstruction of “urban villages”, and bear the responsibility for construction administration of urban renewal projects.

The department of economy and informatization shall be responsible for coordinating and guiding, according to the industry development planning of this Municipality, the relevant urban renewal work in development areas of key industries.

The department of commerce shall be responsible for coordinating and guiding, according to the commerce development planning of this Municipality, the relevant work of urban renewal of commercial facilities.

The departments of development & reform, housing administration, transport, ecology and environment, landscaping and city appearance, water, culture and tourism, emergency management, civil defence, finance and technology, and other relevant departments shall, within their respective functions and duties, cooperate in carrying out relevant work of urban renewal.

Article 6

The district people’s government (including the specific regional administrative committee as an agency dispatched by the Municipal People’s Government, the same below) is the subject of promoting the urban renewal work of the respective jurisdiction, and shall be responsible for organizing, coordinating and administrating the urban renewal work within the jurisdiction.

The sub-district office and the town people’s government shall do well relevant work of urban renewal according to their respective functions and duties.

Article 7

This Municipality shall set up an urban renewal centre, which shall, according to the prescribed functions and duties, participate in the formulation of relevant planning and policies, the renovation of old areas, the renewal of old houses, and industrial transformation, and undertake other relevant work of urban renewal determined by the municipal and district people’s governments.

Article 8

This Municipality shall set up an expert committee for urban renewal (hereinafter referred to as the expert committee).

The expert committee shall, according to the provisions of these Regulations, carry out such work as the evaluation and demonstration of relevant activities of urban renewal, and provide advisory opinions on the municipal and district people’s governments’ decision of urban renewal.

The expert committee shall be constituted by personnel from the fields of planning, housing, land, industry, construction, transport, ecology and environment, urban safety, culture and history, society, economy and law, and the specific procedures and work rules of the constitution shall be separately provided.

Article 9

This Municipality shall establish and perfect a mechanism for public participation in urban renewal, and legally guarantee the rights of the public to know, to participate, to express and to supervise in urban renewal activities.

Article 10

This Municipality shall, based on the platforms of Government Online Offline and Integrated Online Administration, establish a citywide unified information system for urban renewal.

The guideline on urban renewal, and the action plan, scheme and relevant technical standards, policies and measures for urban renewal shall be publicized to society via the information system for urban renewal synchronously.

The municipal and district people’s governments and their relevant departments shall, based on the information system for urban renewal, promote in an overall manner, supervise and administrate urban renewal activities, and provide supporting service for the implementation and life-cycle management of urban renewal projects.

Chapter II Guideline on And Action Plan for Urban Renewal

Article 11

The municipal department of planning and resources shall, jointly with the municipal departments of development & reform, housing and urban-rural development, housing administration, economy and informatization, commerce, transport, ecology and environment, landscaping and city appearance, water, culture and tourism, emergency management, civil defence, finance, science and technology, and civil affairs, formulate the guideline on the urban renewal of this Municipality, publicize it after it is submitted to, examined and approved by the Municipal People’s Government, and update it regularly.

The opinions of the expert committee and the public shall be solicited in the process of formulating the guideline on urban renewal.

Article 12

The formulation of the guideline on urban renewal shall abide by the following principles:

complying with the national economic and social development plan, and the master plan for national land space, and coordinating production, living and ecological layout;

solving prominent problems in urban development, and promoting the function perfection and quality upgrading of the city;

focusing on the important functional areas of urban development and the construction of new towns, and giving play to their exemplary and leading role to stimulate the development of surrounding areas;

attaching importance to the protection of historical features and the cultural heritage, expanding culture and tourism space, and increasing urban charm;

continuing to improve the urban living environment, and building a diverse and integrated “15-minute community living circle”, so as to constantly meet the people’s growing needs for a better life;

enhancing the overall planning of industrial development, promoting the transformation of key industries, and raising the city’s level of innovation; and

strengthening urban risk prevention and control, ensuring urban safe operation, and enhancing urban resilience.

Article 13

The guideline on urban renewal shall define the guiding thought, overall objectives, key tasks, implementation strategies and supporting measures of urban renewal, and reflect the characteristics and needs of regional renewal and sporadic renewal.

Article 14

The district people’s government shall, according to the guideline on urban renewal and in light of the actual situation of its jurisdiction and the opinions and suggestions on the evaluation report on urban physical examination carried out, formulate an action plan for regional renewal where the renewal is needed; if cross-district renewal is involved, the departments or institutions designated by the Municipal People’s Government shall formulate an action plan for the renewal.

When determining renewal areas, priority shall be given to areas with poor living environment, weak municipal infrastructure and public service facilities, major security risks, and a strong demand for overall improvement of historical features, and areas where the existing land use, function of buildings, and industrial structure are not adaptable to the economic and social development.

Article 15

The property right holder and other units and individuals may put forward proposals for renewal to the district people’s government.

The district people’s government shall designate departments to classify and study the proposals for renewal, which shall serve as important references for determining the renewal areas and formulating the action plan for renewal.

Article 16

The departments or institutions designated by the Municipal People’s Government, and the district people’s government (hereinafter jointly referred to as the formulation department) shall, in the process of formulating the action plan for renewal, extensively solicit the opinions of the relevant units and individuals through discussions, demonstration meetings or other means.

Article 17

The action plan for renewal shall define the region, target positioning, renewal contents, coordinator’s requirements, timing arrangement, and policies and measures.

Article 18

The formulation department shall submit the action plan for renewal to the Municipal People’s Government for examination and approval after it has been evaluated by the experts committee and publicized to society. The formulation department shall do a good job in the interpretation of and consultation about the action plan for renewal.

Where a main content of the action plan for renewal is to be adjusted, the procedures of  opinion solicitation, evaluation, deliberation and announcement shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of this Chapter.

Chapter III Implementation of Urban Renewal

Article 19

The urban renewal activities within the renewal region shall be carried out by the renewal coordinator in a coordinated manner.  If they are implemented by the property right holder in the renewal region, they shall be carried out under the coordination and organization of the renewal coordinator.

If the property right holder has the intention of initiating a sporadic renewal project, the renewal may be implemented by the said holder.

According to the provisions of the preceding two Paragraphs, where the renewal is carried out by the property right holder, the way of cooperation with the market subject may be adopted.

Article 20

This Municipality shall establish a selection mechanism of renewal coordinators.  The municipal and district people’s governments shall organize the selection on the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and determine the market subjects suitable for urban renewal activities within the region as the renewal coordinators. The selection mechanism of renewal coordinators shall be separately formulated by the Municipal people’s government.

In the case of the protection of historical features, the transformation and upgrading of industrial parks, and the overall improvement of municipal infrastructure, the municipal and district people’s governments may also designate the renewal coordinators.

Article 21

For urban renewal activities within the renewal region, the renewal coordinator shall be responsible for promoting the reaching of regional renewal intentions, the integration of market resources, and the formulation of the plans for regional renewal, and coordinating and pushing the implementation of renewal projects.

The municipal and district people’s governments may, in light of the regional conditions and renewal needs, entrust the renewal coordinator with the functions of participating in the formulation of the planning, carrying out preliminary land preparation, cooperating in land supply and coordinating overall interests.

Article 22

The renewal coordinator shall formulate the plan for regional renewal after completing the investigation of regional status, the consultation of regional renewal intentions, and the integration of market resources.

The plan for regional renewal mainly includes such contents as the implementation plan, the development of a project portfolio, the plan for land supply, the overall arrangement of funds, and the construction, management and operation requirements of municipal infrastructure and public service facilities.

The formulation of the implementation plan shall abide by the principles of coordinating  public factor resources in an overall manner and ensuring public interests, and carry out urban design according to relevant planning and provisions, and conduct relevant thematic studies according to the regional targets.

Article 23

In the process of formulating the plan for regional renewal, the renewal coordinator shall fully consult with the relevant property right holders within the region, and solicit the opinions of the relevant municipal and district departments, expert committees and interested parties.

The relevant municipal and district departments shall strengthen their guidance to the renewal coordinator in formulating the plan for regional renewal.

Article 24

The renewal coordinator shall submit the plan for regional renewal, together with the adoption and explanation of the opinions of relevant departments, expert committees and interested parties, to the local district people’s government or the municipal department of planning and resources,

The district people’s government or the municipal department of planning and resources shall confirm the plan for regional renewal after the demonstration thereof and publicize it to the society. The specific division of work and procedures shall be provided separately by the Municipal People’s Government.

Article 25

The renewal coordinator shall, according to the plan for regional renewal, organize the  collection of property rights and the preliminary preparation of land, and cooperate in the completion of the planning optimization and land supply for the renewal projects.

Article 26

After the plan for regional renewal is confirmed, the development unit of the renewal project shall go through the procedures of project approval, project land, planning and construction according to law;  if the plan for regional renewal contains relevant examination and approval contents and meets the prescribed requirements, relevant departments shall, according to the requirements of the reform of“streamlining administration and delegating power, improving regulation, and upgrading services” and the requirements of optimizing the business environment, further simplify examination and approval materials, shorten the time limit for examination and approval, optimize the process of examination and approval and improve the efficiency of examination and approval.

Article 27

Where a property right holder of a sporadic renewal project has the intention of renewal, he/she/it shall formulate a plan for project renewal. The plan for project renewal shall mainly include such contents as the implementation plan and the construction, management and operation requirements of municipal infrastructure and public service facilities.

The procedures for opinion solicitation, confirmation and announcement of the plan for project renewal shall be implemented with reference to the provisions of this Chapter.

Article 28

Urban renewal activities shall comply with the following general requirements:

giving priority to upgrading and renovating municipal infrastructure and public service facilities, and promoting the construction of new intensive infrastructure such as integrated pipe corridors, integrated pole boxes, public charging piles, and logistics and express delivery facilities;

2. carrying out construction of green buildings and green renovation of existing buildings according to the provisions, giving play to the effect of intensive development of green buildings, and building green ecological urban areas;

3. taking comprehensive measures according to the requirements for the construction of a sponge city, so as to improve the capacity for urban drainage, waterlogging prevention, flood control and disaster prevention and mitigation;

4. comprehensively planning and renovating in an integrated manner the overground and underground space to improve the efficiency of utilizing urban space resources;

5. improving urban information infrastructure and promoting the comprehensive digital transformation of economy, life and governance;

6. improving the functions of buildings and the quality of living environment continuously through the micro-renewal of existing buildings and public space;

7. improving the urban park system and improving the quality of urban ecological environment according to the requirements of constructing a park city;

8. strengthening the construction of public parking lots, and promoting the integrated renewal of rail transit stations and their surrounding areas; and

9. other requirements provided by the State and this Municipality.

Article 29

The development unit of renewal project shall, according to the provisions, establish a quality and safety management system of the renewal project, take risk prevention and control measures, and strengthen the quality and safety management;  quality and safety testing shall be carried out if the existing building structure or the purpose of the design is changed.

The development unit of renewal project shall take the actual situation of the renewal region into overall consideration, organize the formulation of the overall upgrading plan of anti-seismic and fire control functions, and comprehensively use such means as new anti-seismic and fire control technologies to improve the overall anti-seismic and fire control performance of the renewal region.

Article 30

In the process of urban renewal, where it is necessary to remove the owners and the public house lessees and the development unit of the renewal project and the owners and the lessees of public house who need to be removed reach a,consensus through consultation, they shall sign an agreement to specify the plans for the housing property right exchange and the monetary compensation.

Article 31

In the process of urban renewal, in order to promote such public interest as the national economic and social development, where it is necessary to expropriate houses to enhance urban functions according to the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality on house expropriation and compensation, the principles of democratic decision-making, due procedures and open results shall be followed, the willingness of the expropriated shall be solicited extensively, and the plan for expropriation compensation shall be demonstrated in a sound manner.

After the district people’s government making the decision of house expropriation gives compensation to the expropriated person, the person shall complete the relocation within the time limit stipulated in the compensation agreement or determined in the compensation decision.  If the expropriated person does not apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit within the statutory time limit, and does not move out within the time limit specified in the compensation decision, the district people’s government that makes the decision of house expropriation shall apply to the people’s court for compulsory enforcement according to law.

Article 32

As for the old public house with a poor building structure, long-term disrepair, incomplete functions, hidden safety perils, and no repair value, which needs renewal by means of demolition for reconstruction upon an assessment organized by the housing administrative department, the opinions from the public house lessee(s) shall be fully solicited for the the demolition and reconstruction plan, and the said plan shall be submitted to the housing administrative department for approval.  The property right holder unit of the public house shall sign a renewal agreement with  public house lessee(s), and define a reasonable plan for back move or compensation and resettlement;  the agreement shall come into force only when the percentage of signatories reaches 95 percent or more.

As for the old public house with a poor building structure and incomplete functions, which   needs reservation and renewal by means of renovation as a unit and whose use right and use part need to be adjusted upon an assessment organized by the housing administrative department, the opinions from the public house lessee(s) shall be solicited fully for the adjustment plan, and the said plan shall be submitted to the housing administrative department for approval. The property right holder unit of the public house shall sign an adjustment agreement with the public house lessee(s), and define a reasonable plan for compensation and resettlement;  the agreement shall come into force only when the percentage of signatories reaches 95 percent or more.

If public house lessee refuses to cooperate in the demolition for reconstruction or renovation as a unit, the property right owner unit of the public house may apply to the district people’s government for mediation;  if the mediation fails, the district people’s government may make a decision according to law in order to maintain and promote the social and public interests and push the implementation of the urban planning.  If the public house lessee refuses to accept the decision, he/she may apply for administrative reconsideration or bring an administrative lawsuit according to law.  If he/she neither applies for administrative reconsideration nor brings an administrative lawsuit within the statutory time limit, the district people’s government that has made the decision shall apply to the people’s court for compulsory enforcement according to law.

Where a private house is involved in a project of demolition for reconstruction or renovation as a unit in Paragraphs 1 and 2, the requirements for the signing of the renewal agreement and the adjustment agreement and the relevant work shall be implemented according to the provisions of the preceding Paragraph.

Article 33

This Municipality shall follow the principles of democratic consultation, adaptation of measures to local conditions, safety and applicability, and coordination of features in carrying out the work of installing elevators in existing multi-storey residential buildings.

Where an elevator needs to be installed in an existing multi-storey residential building, a vote shall be held according to the provisions of the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China on matters jointly decided by the owners. After the vote is passed, the elevator installation shall be carried out according to the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality. Disputes arising during the installation of elevators shall be settled by such means as consultation, mediation and litigation according to law.

The sub-district offices and the town people’s governments shall coordinate and promote the installation of elevators well.

Article 34

Where a new construction, expansion, reconstruction project or repair of buildings occurs within the construction control area in the vicinity of an excellent historical building, it shall be in harmony with the excellent historical building in such aspects as the nature of use, height, size, facade, material and color, and may not change the original spatial and landscape style of the original space in the vicinity of the building or affect the normal use of the excellent historical building.

Chapter IV Guarantee of Urban Renewal

Article 35

The municipal and district people’s governments and their relevant departments shall improve the policies and measures for urban renewal, deepen institutional innovation, and increase the overall planning of resources, so as to support and guarantee urban renewal.

Article 36

The municipal and district people’s governments shall arrange funds to support the renovation of old areas, the renewal of old houses, the renovation of “ urban villages” and other urban renewal projects involving public interests.

It is encouraged to raise funds for renovation through the issuance of local government bonds and other means

Article 37

Financial institutions shall be encouraged to innovate diversified financial products and services according to law to meet the financing needs of urban renewal.

It is encouraged to support qualified enterprises to conduct financing activities in the multi-level capital market, and give play to the role of finance in promoting urban renewal.

Article 38

Urban renewal projects shall enjoy the reduction and exemption of administrative and institutional fees and preferential tax policies according to law.

Article 39

Where the relevant construction spacing, concession, density, width, greening rate, transportation, or supporting municipal facilities cannot meet the standards or the norms because of the needs of the protection of historical features, the renewal of old houses, and the transformation and upgrading of key industries, the relevant departments shall, on the principle of environmental improvement and overall function upgrading, formulate the standards and norms suitable for the urban renewal.

Article 40

The indicators such as land use nature, floor area ratio and building height of projects in renewal areas may be optimized according to the planning on the premise that public interests are guaranteed and the renewal objectives are met.

For sporadic renewal projects, on the premise of providing public service facilities, municipal infrastructure, public space and other public elements, and according to the provisions, such incentive measures as changing the nature of land use, increasing the building volume of business premises in due proportion and raising the building height may be taken.

Renewal of old houses may increase the building volume according to the planning; if the increased building volume still has incremental space after meeting the resettlement needs of the original residents, it can be used for indemnificatory housing, rental housing and supporting facilities.

Article 41

In the light of the specific conditions of urban renewal land parcels, such methods as bidding, auction, listing, grant on agreement, and allocation shall be adopted for the supply of land. If, according to law, there are no conditions and no possibility for the adoption of such methods as bidding, auction and listing, with the consent of the Municipal People’s Government, the land may be supplied by grant on agreement. It is encouraged to innovate, on the premise of complying with the provisions of law, land supply policies, so as to stimulate the enthusiasm of market players to participate in urban renewal activities.

The property right holder may transfer the real estate rights and interests to the market  player by means of agreement, and the said market player shall legally go through the procedures of offset payment for the land price and the relevant real estate registration procedures.

Where urban renewal involves such cases as the renovation of old areas, the protection of historical features and the adjustment and transformation of key industry areas, lands may be combined in packages and be supplied to achieve cost-benefit balance.

Where urban renewal is carried out by means of demolition for reconstruction, renovation, or expansion, the term of land use may be reset according to the corresponding purposes and utilization of land and in compliance with law.

Sporadic land that does not meet the conditions for independent development may be used as a whole by means of expanding land use.

Where urban renewal involves the offset payment of the land price, when in the market evaluation of the land price, the land price shall be determined by taking into overall consideration of such factors as the cost of land acquisition and the contribution to public elements.

Article 42

The municipal administrative department of housing and urban-rural development shall, jointly with the relevant departments, establish a citywide unified maintenance and fund guarantee mechanism of municipal infrastructure, and promote the intelligent operation and management of the life cycle of municipal infrastructure.

Article 43

Where a house needs to be expropriated for public interests, in protection of features in a historical feature protection area that has been included into the action plan for renewal, such as an area, a neighborhood, road section or river section with many historical buildings and with certain historical value, and in protection of excellent historical buildings, expropriation and compensation shall be carried out according to the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality.

Where the floor area ratio of buildings is limited due to the needs of protection of historical features in urban renewal, compensation in another place may be made according to the planning;  if immovable cultural relics, excellent historical buildings, and historical buildings that need to be preserved are added during the implementation of urban renewal projects, the floor area ratio award may be given.

Article 44

This Municipality shall explore the establishment of a community planner system, give play to the role of community planners in technical advisory services and public communication and coordination in urban renewal activities, and promote multi-party consultation, joint construction and joint governance.

Article 45

It is encouraged to integrate, on the premise of conforming to the planning and relevant provisions, such space resources as available vacant lots and idle houses, increase public space, improve municipal infrastructure and public service facilities, and optimize and upgrade urban functions .

It is encouraged to renew and renovate existing buildings and improve their functions on the premise of complying with the relevant provisions.

As for the buildings to be reserved as determined by the planning, if they are utilized after the optimization of their functions, their use may be changed according to law on the premise that the nature of their planned land use is compatible.

It is encouraged to renew and renovate old houses in conjunction with idle houses around them, and to improve their functions.

Article 46

This Municipality shall strengthen the administration of collecting the rights to lease public houses which belong to excellent historical buildings and garden houses. With the consent of the Municipal People’s Government, qualified market players may collect the rights to lease public houses which belong to excellent historical buildings and garden houses, so as to implement urban renewal.

With the consent of the district people’s government, qualified market players may collect the rights to lease public houses other than excellent historical buildings and garden houses, so as to implement urban renewal.

Public house lessors may, through such methods as paid repurchase of leasing rights and housing replacement, collect the rights to lease public houses, so as to implement urban renewal.

Article 47

Where the urban renewal activities involve the resettlement of residents, the indemnificatory housing resources may be used according to the overall plan and the provisions.

Article 48

The municipal and district people’s governments shall strengthen the overall development of industries and guide the transformation and upgrading of industries.

It is encouraged to carry out the renewal of existing industrial land in line with regional function orientation and industrial orientation, and to improve the mechanism for balancing interests by such means as reasonably determining development intensity and innovating land acquisition and storage management.

It is encouraged to make efficient use of industrial space, to implement tiered policies of energy, planning, land and finance according to the evaluation results of resource utilization efficiency, and to promote the efficient allocation of industrial land.

The renewal coordinator shall be encouraged to acquire the stock industrial land by means of  transfer agreement and property replacement.

Article 49

Land right holders that are State-owned enterprises shall take the lead in undertaking the task of developing key functional areas of the State and this Municipality and carry out independent renewal.

State-owned enterprises shall actively release their stock land to the market and promote the revitalization of stock assets.

The State-owned assets supervision and administration institutions shall establish and perfect an assessment mechanism suitable for the participation of State-owned enterprises in urban renewal activities.

Chapter V Supervision and Administration

Article 50

This Municipality shall exercise life-cycle management over urban renewal projects.

The life-cycle management requirements on urban renewal projects for the public elements supply, industrial performance, environmental protection and energy conservation, real estate transfer and land withdrawal, shall be incorporated into the land-use right grant contract. If the industrial performance, land withdrawal or other life cycle management requirements for stock industrial land are not stipulated in the said contract, a supplementary contract may be signed to make the stipulation.

The relevant municipal and district departments shall incorporate the management requirements defined in the land-use right grant contract and the implementation of these requirements into the urban renewal information system, and realize the life-cycle management of the renewal projects through information sharing and collaborative supervision.  In the case of breach of contract, such as transfer by default or breach of the stipulation on performance, the municipal or district people’s government shall handle the case according to laws, rules, regulations, and contractual stipulations.

Article 51

The municipal and district people’s governments shall strengthen supervision over the urban renewal activities within their respective administrative areas; relevant departments shall formulate and implement corresponding supervision and inspection systems in a classified manner in light of the characteristics of urban renewal projects.

The municipal or district people’s government may, according to the actual situation, entrust a third party to carry out urban renewal assessments.

Article 52

The departments of finance and auditing shall, according to their respective functions and duties and the relevant provisions, supervise the use of State-owned funds in urban renewal.

Article 53

Any unit or individual shall have the right to complain about any act violating the relevant provisions on urban renewal and report it to the municipal or district people’s government or their relevant departments. The municipal and district people’s governments and their relevant departments shall handle the matter according to the provisions.

Article 54

The standing committees of the municipal and district people’s congresses shall strengthen supervision over the urban renewal work within their respective administrative areas by such means as listening to and deliberating the special work reports and organizing inspections of law enforcement.

The standing committees of the municipal and district people’s congresses shall give full play to the role of NPC deputies, collect and reflect the opinions and suggestions of the people, and urge the relevant departments to implement various work of urban renewal.

Chapter VI Special Provisions on Urban Renewal of Pudong New Area

Article 55

Pudong New Area shall promote the organic urban renewal in an overall manner, make the renewed areas coordinate with the old urban areas, speed up the renovation of old residential quarters, and forge urban features with the characteristics of the times. Pudong New Area shall be supported to take the lead in exploring innovation in urban renewal mechanisms, models and management.  When conditions are ripe, it can be promoted in the whole Municipality.

Article 56

Pudong New Area People’s Government may designate renewal coordinators to carry out in an overall manner the renewal of the built-up areas such as the areas that have been granted as a tract originally.

Article 57

When formulating the action plan for renewal, Pudong New Area People’s Government shall optimize the design of stratified space, i.e., above, on and under ground, clarify the requirements for mandatory and guiding planning control, and explore the establishment of the stratified use rights of a vertical space of construction land.

Article 58

Pudong New Area shall promote the composite utilization of urban renewal space by such means as ensuring service facilities for people’s livelihood, community-sharing public service facilities and public activity space, and constructing convenient community living circles.

Article 59

Pudong New Area shall explore the inclusion of houses with poor living conditions such as a poor building structure, long-term disrepair, low construction standards and weak infrastructure into the scope of old areas renovation.

Article 60

Pudong New Area shall innovate the mechanism for revitalizing the existing industrial land and withdrawing land with inefficient use.

Pudong New Area shall be supported to deepen the reform of the “standardized” way of granting industrial land, increase the supply of land for mixed industries, and explore the rational conversion of different types of industrial land.

Chapter VII Legal Liability

Article 61

Where laws or rules have already had provisions on the handling of any act in violation of these Regulations, such provisions shall prevail.

Article 62

Where a relevant department or its staff member violates the provisions of these Regulations, the person(s)-in-charge and other persons directly liable shall be punished by their superior organ or the supervisory organ according to law.

Chapter VIII  Supplementary Provisions

Article 63

Where the State has relevant provisions on urban renewal activities such as the renovation of old areas, the renewal of old houses and the renovation of “ urban villages”, such provisions shall prevail.

Where there are no specific provisions in these Regulations on such aspects as the planning and implementation of renovation of old areas, the renewal of old houses and the renovation of “ urban villages”, other relevant provisions of this Municipality shall prevail.

Article 64

These Regulations shall be effective as of September 1, 2021.