Handbook for intl students in China: Key laws, rules, docs

"CSC Alumni" WeChat account

After receiving an admission letter from a Chinese university, you know you are about to embark on a study-abroad journey.

Before diving into this new chapter of your life, thorough preparation is crucial. Once in China, you may find yourself curious and puzzled about many matters related to studying here. Among these, understanding and adhering to Chinese laws and regulations − especially those concerning China's entry and exit policy − are fundamental to ensuring a smooth learning experience.

Here is a collection of essential laws, regulations, and normative documents that new students should be familiar with.

Section one: Entry and exit


[Photo/WeChat account: CSC Alumni]

Before entering China, familiarize yourself with its immigration policies, visa application, and residence permit procedures. These laws and regulations not only concern your legal rights and interests but also serve as the cornerstone for your academic and personal success in China.

1. Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China

Chinese version: http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/zlbg/flfg/crjxg/201307/t20130701_961886.shtml (Please copy the link to your browser to view)

English version:

https://www.nia.gov.cn/n741440/n741547/c757592/content.html (Please copy the link to your browser to view)

2. Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of the Entry and Exit of Foreigners

http://cs.mfa.gov.cn/wgrlh/flfg/201307/t20130722_961411.shtml (Please copy the link to your browser to view)

Section two: Academic and campus life


[Photo/WeChat account: CSC Alumni]

For new students, understanding and complying with national laws, as well as academic and campus regulations are equally essential. These encompass academic procedures like degree applications and course schedules, as well as behavioral guidelines within campus premises. Adhering to these regulations ensures a smoother transition and integration into academic and social life in China.

1. Law of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees (Implemented from Jan 1, 2025)

http://www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_sjzl/sjzl_zcfg/zcfg_jyfl/202404/t20240426_1127804.html?_refluxos=a10 (Please copy the link to your browser to view)

2. Measures for the Administration of Enrollment and Education of International Students

http://www.moe.gov.cn/srcsite/A02/s5911/moe_621/201705/t20170516_304735.html (Please copy the link to your browser to view)

Section three: Additional guidelines


[Photo/WeChat account: CSC Alumni]

Beyond immigration and academic affairs, there exist various other regulations and provisions pertinent to your study experience in China. It's crucial for you to acquaint yourself with and adhere to these as well.

1. Provisions on Procedures for Handling Administrative Cases by Public Security Organs

https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2021-12/25/content_5712865.htm (Please copy the link to your browser to view)

2. Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulations on the Administration of Religious Activities of Foreigners in the People's Republic of China

https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2010-12/08/content_5728905.htm (Please copy the link to your browser to view)