Where to receive your pension after paying social security in multiple locations

english.shanghai.gov.cn| July 15, 2024



One of our subscribers asked during the May Day holiday how to determine the place to receive pension benefits after paying social security in multiple locations.

Here are some tips:

First: Check your place of household registration

If your basic pension insurance relationship is in the place of your household registration, you'll get your pension benefits there.

Second: Check your payment periods 

If your basic pension insurance relationship isn't in the place of your household registration, you'll need to consider the following factors:

If you have maintained your basic pension insurance relationship in the same location for a cumulative period of 10 years or more: 

You'll handle the benefit collection procedures in that location and enjoy the local basic pension insurance benefits.

If you have maintained your basic pension insurance relationship in the same location for a cumulative period of less than 10 years: 

Your basic pension insurance relationship will be transferred back to the previous location where the payment period was 10 years or more-- and you will handle the benefit collection procedures there to enjoy the basic pension insurance benefits.

If the cumulative payment period in each insured location is less than 10 years: 

Your basic pension insurance relationship and corresponding funds will be transferred to your household registration location, where you will handle the benefit collection procedures according to the regulations and enjoy the basic pension insurance benefits.


Source: official WeChat account of Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security