Donghua University shines at Olympic Qualifiers fashion show

During a theme day called Road to Passion, for the Olympic Qualifier Series Shanghai on May 17, a stylish and chic fashion show dazzled spectators on the banks of the Huangpu River in East China's Shanghai – seamlessly blending fashion, eco-awareness and sports.

The fashion spectacle, standing out as a highlight among the four major live shows of the Olympic Qualifier Series event, drew its inspiration from the inventive ideas of Donghua University's students and faculty in the city.

Divided into four chapters, the extravaganza illuminated four evocative sports narratives interweaving original fashion designs and athletic motifs. They featured over 70 sets of distinctive apparel embodying the fusion of sports, environmental awareness and cutting-edge technology.

During the 40-minute live performance, students from Donghua University's fashion design program and international students from the School of International Cultural Exchange graced the stage. They donned outfits adorned with zany design elements including small bicycle parts, protective gear, climbing features and backpacks repurposed from skateboards.

Their presence enabled the audience to experience the edgy appeal of boundary-crossing creative design.

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Student models from Donghua University present their creative designs at the show. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]


Student models get their makeup done. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

Donghua University holds an innovative position in the textiles, materials, and design sectors. Its recent focus has been on pioneering new materials and sustainable designs, to infuse intellect and vitality into Shanghai's evolution as a design and fashion hub.

The fashion show was said to serve as a testament to the university's strength and impact in the design landscape.

After nine months of thorough preparation and collaborative dedication, the students delivered a knockout show to remember – offering an audiovisual tour de force to international audiences.


Source: "DHU-ISO" WeChat account