Donghua University exhibits cutting-edge fiber, textile innovations

Donghua University is currently showcasing its latest research achievements in fiber materials and textile technology at the Shanghai Textile Museum. The exhibition is open until June 25. Here are some of the fascinating exhibits that are on display!

The Queqiao relay satellite utilizes a large deployable metal mesh antenna to facilitate communication between the Earth and the Moon. This antenna boasts high precision, a lightweight structure, and stable performance, making China the second country in the world capable of developing antennas with a diameter exceeding 10 meters.


The Queqiao relay satellite resembles an umbrella. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

The non-electric luminous fiber harnesses environmental electromagnetic energy through human body coupling polarization. It illuminates via the antenna core, dielectric layer, and optical interaction layer. When in contact with skin, the fiber lights up at the interface polarization capacitor, creating a magical effect.


The non-electric luminous fiber. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

The "Flying" torch for the Beijing Winter Olympics integrates carbon fiber and high-temperature resin ceramic technology. It is lightweight, heat-resistant, and impact-resistant. The research team for this torch utilized three-dimensional weaving and resin injection molding techniques to craft a lightweight and durable torch shell that perfectly captures the Olympic spirit.


The Beijing Winter Games "Flying" Torch. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

Additionally, high-tech exhibits on shape-shifting and color-changing garments, human-machine interactive textiles, glass fiber warp-knitted mesh, and specialized deep-sea ropes and cables are also on display at the museum. Come visit, interact, and learn!


Source: "DHU-ISO" WeChat account