Intl students explore Keqiao’s innovation, entrepreneurship landscape

On June 1 and 2, approximately 39 international students from the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) visited Keqiao district in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province. They attended the signing ceremony for the cooperation agreement between SUFE and the Zhejiang (Shaoxing) Foreign High-end Talents Innovation Clusters.

Upon arrival in Keqiao district, the students toured Baoye Group Co Ltd, a renowned construction enterprise, Dongsheng Huigu Industrial Innovation Complex, and the Zhejiang (Shaoxing) Foreign High-end Talents Innovation Clusters. Their visit focused on new technologies and emerging growth drivers, providing them with insights into Keqiao district's development plans. It also solidified their understanding of the wave of innovation and entrepreneurship that is currently sweeping contemporary China.


At Baoye Group, the students gained an understanding of the economic and social benefits brought by the application of energy-saving technologies and the development model of industrialized construction. [Photo/WeChat account: SUFE-ICES]

The signing ceremony for the cooperation agreement between SUFE and the Zhejiang (Shaoxing) Foreign High-end Talents Innovation Clusters took place on June 2, marking the official launch of the innovation and entrepreneurship base for international students at SUFE.

Following the ceremony, Madi Omar, a cross-border e-commerce entrepreneur and CEO of Shaoxing Manufaktured Technology Co Ltd, shared his entrepreneurial projects and how he began his startup journey, providing valuable insight to the students.


Madi Omar gives a speech after the ceremony. [Photo/WeChat account: SUFE-ICES]

Chen Jie, from Malaysia, expressed how listening to Omar's presentation was satisfying. "I learned the international vision necessary for operating cross-border e-commerce. I believe that the deep cooperation between SUFE and the clusters zone will bring more benefits and opportunities to the international student community, providing an international platform for innovation and entrepreneurship."


The students take a group photo at Anchang Ancient Town in Shaoxing. [Photo/WeChat account: SUFE-ICES]


Source: "SUFE-ICES" WeChat account