How to write a standout resume

"CSC Alumni" WeChat account| August 05, 2024

A resume is the initial connection between job seekers and potential employers during the application process. A well-crafted resume not only highlights your skills and experiences but also sets you apart from other candidates, improving your chances of securing an interview.

Here are some essential tips for creating a resume.


[Photo/WeChat account: CSC Alumni]

I. Components of a resume

A professional resume often includes the following components:

Basic information and contact details

At the beginning of your resume, include your full name, contact details, and other essential information to give the employer an initial understanding of who you are. If you are an international student writing a resume in Chinese, it is recommended to use your passport name and optionally include your Chinese name.

Ensure that your contact information, such as your phone number and email address, is accurate so the employer can easily get in touch with you.

Personal strengths and traits

In the personal summary section, briefly introduce your core competencies, highlighting skills that are closely related to the position you are applying for.

Educational background and academic achievements

In the educational background section, list the degrees you already have, the institutions you are currently attending or have graduated from, your major, and your graduation dates. Additionally, if you have notable academic achievements, such as published papers or research projects, mention them in this section to demonstrate your academic strength and potential.

Certifications and professional skills

In the certification section, list the professional skills you possess and the certifications you have obtained. These certifications can include industry-specific qualifications directly related to the job, as well as general skills like computer proficiency and language abilities. This section showcases your solid professional foundation and diverse skill set.

Practical experience and work history

The practical experience section is the most crucial part of your resume, as it demonstrates your performance and capabilities in real-world situations. Provide detailed descriptions of your internships, work experience, and project involvement. Highlight the achievements and results you obtained in these roles to showcase your practical skills and accomplishments.


[Photo/WeChat account: CSC Alumni]

II. Personal strengths

For international students without work experience, creating a resume can be difficult because there are no concrete work achievements to highlight. However, you can highlight your strengths from your past experiences and background.

Highlighting abilities in minor experiences

Even if you haven't accumulated formal work experience, your campus life offers a wealth of opportunities to discover and demonstrate your strengths.

First, carefully review and categorize the campus activities you have participated in, including involvement in student clubs, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, and academic competitions. By reflecting deeply on these experiences, you can identify the roles you played, the responsibilities you handled, and the unique skills you demonstrated.


"During my tenure as a student council officer, I planned and executed five campus music festivals. This involved coordinating multiple departments within the school to ensure the smooth execution of various aspects of the events, including venue setup, sound equipment testing, guest invitations, and audience management. Additionally, I actively liaised with external companies, securing 100,000 yuan ($13,770) worth of event sponsorships."

If you don't have much experience participating in extracurricular activities, or competitions, you can highlight achievements from your classroom learning or personal hobbies. While hobbies may not be directly related to the job, they can still showcase your strengths. For example, if you love writing or painting, you can include your works as attachments or links in your online resume. This approach not only demonstrates your talents but also allows the employer to gain a better understanding of your personality and interests.

Quantifying processes and results

When writing your resume, it's essential to quantify the processes and results of your projects. This makes your experience and skills more tangible and persuasive. By including specific examples and numbers, employers can better assess your capabilities and understand the achievements you've accomplished.

You can describe your experiences using the STAR method: Situation+ Task + Action + Result. This approach helps you clearly outline the activities you participated in, your contributions, and the outcomes.

For example, consider your experience as a class committee member at university. You might write: "During my tenure as a class committee member (Situation), I was responsible for information collection and dissemination (Task). I optimized the process to ensure that all materials were collected within 24 hours (Action), successfully collecting information from 5,000 students and achieving 100 percent coverage in notification dissemination (Result)."


[Photo/WeChat account: CSC Alumni]

III. Align your resume to the job

In the job application process, the most crucial factor for employers is the alignment between the candidate and the job position. Therefore, it's essential to carefully read the job posting and understand the needs of the target company.

When writing your resume, tailor your project experiences, skills (such as portfolios and planning proposals), and self-evaluation to align closely with the company's requirements. Highlight relevant industry experience, the tasks you've completed, and the results you've achieved. Additionally, consider the following tips when drafting your resume:

Keyword matching

After carefully reading the job description, identify the key job requirements and responsibilities, and strategically incorporate these keywords into your resume. This approach not only increases the chances of your resume being discovered through keyword searches but also shows that you have thoroughly researched and understood the position.

Industry terminology

Utilize industry-specific terminology relevant to the target position. This showcases your understanding of the field and adaptability to the role. These terms may include standard processes, technologies, tools, or methods within the industry.

Resume customization

Customize your resume according to each job you apply to. This means adjusting the content and structure of your resume based on the specific requirements of each position to ensure the highest level of alignment between your resume and the job.

Feedback and adjustments

If you submit your resume online through recruitment websites, seek feedback after submission to gauge whether your resume has been viewed by recruiters. If you haven't received responses for an extended period, consider adjusting the content or structure of your resume to improve its alignment with the job requirements.

Crafting a resume is an ongoing process that requires continuous adjustment and refinement. Good luck on your job hunt!

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