How do I enroll my child in kindergarten?

1. How can I learn about this year's kindergarten enrollment policy?

Parents can obtain specific information about this year's kindergarten enrollment, including application methods, timelines, enrollment scope, and eligibility criteria, through official WeChat accounts and websites such as Shanghai Release (上海发布), the Municipal Commission of Education, district and town governments, kindergartens, and early childhood education guidance service agencies.

If you have further questions after reviewing the information, you can seek assistance by contacting the Municipal Commission of Education or the respective district education bureaus using published contact phone numbers or other communication methods such as WeChat or email.

2. How do I enroll my child in kindergarten?

If your child was born between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021, and you intend to enroll them in the preschool class for the upcoming academic year, please stay informed about enrollment policies published by official WeChat accounts such as Shanghai Release (上海发布), the Municipal Commission of Education, and district-specific official WeChat accounts. Follow these guidelines to register and apply during the designated time frame.

You can register and apply online by accessing the Shanghai Government Online-Offline portal ( Navigate to the "Kindergarten Enrollment of Children of Appropriate Age for the Year 2024" section to complete information registration, application, and verification.

Alternatively, you can use the "Suishenban" mobile app (accessible via the "Suishenban Resident Cloud" mobile app, Suishenban WeChat mini-program, and Suishenban on Alipay) for registration, application, and verification. On the registration system’s homepage, you can find the kindergarten enrollment policies for each district and contact phone numbers.

During the registration process, you can use electronic certificates provided by the Shanghai Government Online-Offline portal or the "Suishenban" mobile app, or upload the required photos to complete information registration, application, and verification online.

3. When should I complete the enrollment procedures?

The kindergarten enrollment process for age-appropriate preschool children in Shanghai for 2024 consists of three phases: Information Registration, Application and Verification, and Enrollment Notification.

Phase 1: Information Registration (April 22-29)

During this period, parents or legal guardians of eligible children should access the "Kindergarten Enrollment of Children of Appropriate Age for the Year 2024" section on the homepages of the Government Online-Offline Shanghai portal or the "Suishenban" mobile app. From there they can click into the Shanghai Kindergarten Enrollment Information Registration System for Children of Appropriate Age to review relevant policies and register their child's information.

Phase 2: Application and Verification (May 9-31)

Following the completion of information registration, parents or legal guardians should log back into the city's registration system within the specified time frame to apply for enrollment at their preferred kindergarten. They can either utilize electronic certificates and photos stored within the system or upload photos of their certificates for verification. It’s crucial to stay informed about the application and verification timelines, as well as enrollment policies, to complete these steps accurately.

Phase 3: Enrollment Notification (before July 15)

Districts will finalize preschool class enrollments and issue enrollment notifications to parents of eligible children before July 15.

4. Which children must undergo the unified information registration?

Children born between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021 intending to enroll in the kindergarten's pre-school classes (3-4-year-olds) are required to undergo unified information registration. Enrollment for nursery (2-3-year-olds), pre-kindergarten (4-5-year-olds), and kindergarten classes (5-6-year-olds) is not included in this registration.

5. What are the browser and system requirements for online registration and application?

The registration system supports internet access from both desktop computers and mobile devices. For desktop access, we recommend using Internet Explorer (version 9.0 and above) or Google Chrome (version 63 and above). For mobile access, we suggest using iOS 9 and above for Apple devices and Android 5.0 and above for Android devices.

6. I am not yet a registered user of the Government Online-Offline Shanghai platform. How can I complete information registration?

Parents who are not yet registered users of the Government Online-Offline Shanghai platform can visit the website or its mobile app and sign up using one of the following documents:

(1) ID card

(2) Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents

(3) Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents

(4) Chinese Passport (Overseas Chinese)

(5) Foreign Passport

7. What documents do I and my child need to prepare before information registration?

Parents and children should have one of the following documents based on their situation:

(1) Local residents: ID card (and its number).

(2) Non-local residents:

Shanghai Residence Permit or Shanghai Residence Registration Certificate;

Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents or Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents;

Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents or Residence Permit for Taiwan Residents.

(3) Foreign nationals: Passport.

8. How can I confirm that my information registration was successful?

Upon completing information registration, parents will receive the "Shanghai Kindergarten Enrollment Information Registration Form" along with a registration number. Additionally, the system will send a text message confirming successful registration to the mobile phone number provided by the parent. The "Registration Form" and its associated number serve as credentials for children to participate in enrollment verification. Parents are advised to keep these credentials secure. If parents do not receive a text message, they can check their registration status by clicking on the "Kindergarten Enrollment Information Registration" button on the registration system's homepage.

9. What should I do if I find discrepancies or missing information during the information registration phase?

Parents and children whose information is already in the Shanghai electronic certificate database can verify and modify their names, ID numbers, and other details within the system during the information registration phase. If discrepancies are found, parents can update the information themselves using the details from their valid documents.

For children whose information is not displayed in the system, parents can enter the necessary information based on their valid documents to complete the registration process.

10. Can I modify incorrect information submitted during online information registration?

Parents or legal guardians of age-appropriate children must verify and supplement the child's and guardian's information according to system requirements within the specified time frame after logging into the system. After completing two rounds of information verification and successfully submitting the details, modifications cannot be made within the system.

For necessary modifications, guardians should consult the relevant district during the application and verification phase and complete the information update with the required supporting documents.

11. I have completed the information registration. How do I proceed with the application and verification?

After completing the information registration, parents can log back into the city's registration system using the original method.

Please follow the enrollment policies and requirements published by each district and enter the relevant district's registration system within the designated time frame to complete an online application, provide the necessary information, and upload documents for verification.

Parents will receive a text message confirming the successful submission of the application. If no message is received, parents can check the submitted application form by clicking on the "Application Portal" on the homepage of each district's registration system.

12. How are children admitted to kindergartens?

Each district will allocate placements for age-appropriate children based on local resource availability and eligibility. Please carefully read the enrollment policies of each district and the admission procedures of individual kindergartens.

We remind parents that the order of information registration and verification does not affect the admission of children. We recommend parents log in at different times during the system's open hours to avoid web congestion.

13. How can I learn more about the kindergarten I intend to enroll my child in?

From April 16-21, interested kindergartens will host open-day events through various channels. Parents can stay informed about these events and participate to learn about the environment where their child will spend time in the future.

14. What should I do if I cannot complete the online information registration, application, and verification within the specified time frame?

If you are unable to complete online information registration within the designated time frame due to valid reasons, you can visit offline service locations in your respective district during the application and verification period with the relevant documents. Offline service locations operate on an appointment basis. Please follow notifications from your district or call district inquiry phone numbers to obtain specific addresses, opening hours, and appointment procedures.

If you are unable to complete the online application and verification within the designated time frame due to valid reasons, please call the respective district's inquiry phone number to report your situation truthfully. Districts will arrange delayed services for age-appropriate children who meet the requirements.

15. How can I verify the authenticity of the received information?

During the information registration phase, parents can verify registration details within the city's registration system. Throughout the application, verification, and enrollment notification phases, parents can authenticate information through channels specified in each district's enrollment policies.

Kindergarten enrollment in our city and all districts is free of charge and not outsourced to any organizations or individuals. The information provided by parents in the system is solely used for kindergarten information registration, application, and verification purposes.

16. My child wants to enroll in a nursery class, transfer to another pre-kindergarten or kindergarten class, or change kindergartens. How should I proceed?

Enrollment for nursery classes (2-3-year-olds), transfers to other pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes (4-5-year-olds and 5-6-year-olds), or changing kindergartens is not covered in this information registration process. Each district will independently arrange nursery class placements for age-appropriate children based on actual situations. Parents can check district policies or call district inquiry phone numbers for further information.

17. How will the supervision of kindergarten enrollment be strengthened this year?

The municipal and district-level educational administrative, supervisory, and inspection departments will intensify guidance, supervision, and management of kindergarten enrollment to ensure a standardized and orderly process. Phone numbers for inquiries and supervision in each district can be found on the homepage of the city's registration system.

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