'The One of the Night' celebrates Shanghai's nightlife innovators


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[Photo/Official WeChat account of Shanghai Night Festival]

This summer marks the launch of a new initiative aimed at boosting summer consumption in Shanghai – the Shanghai Summer International Consumption Season. This event promises to feature over 60 high-quality events, including concerts, music festivals, cultural and art performances, and sports events, all designed to attract global travelers to experience Shanghai's vibrant social landscape.

As part of the inaugural Shanghai Summer International Consumption Season, the Shanghai Night Festival will be held from June to September for the first time. This festival includes The One of the Night, an iconic program created in collaboration with Ergeng Media. The program will showcase stories of international entrepreneurs who are shaping Shanghai's nightlife. From the internationally acclaimed show Sleep No More to spontaneous jazz music at JZ Club and Fotografiska, social butterflies will enjoy all of Shanghai's diverse offerings.

Alec Haavik: Jazz saxophonist and composer

Shingo Sasaki: Bartender and manager at Sober Company

Camden Hauge: Founder of Happy Place and Social Supply

Christian Devillers: Executive director at Fotografiska

Viola Iida: Performer and rehearsal director of Sleep No More

Launched by the Shanghai Night Festival in 2021, The One of the Night is a documentary series that delves into the lives of nightlife trendsetters. The series explores brand concepts across several aspects of nighttime tourism, including "Night Shopping", "Night Reading", "Night Entertainment", "Night Tours", "Night Shows", "Night Activities", and "Night Dining". It unveils the individual stories behind Shanghai's vibrant nightlife, adding a personal touch to the festival.

For these trendsetters, Shanghai has become a place where they can pursue their dreams and contribute to the city's dynamic nightlife. Shanghai, with its rich culture, history, and innovative spirit, continues to attract people from around the world, making it a cosmopolitan hub with international appeal.


Source: Official WeChat account of Shanghai Night Festival