Donghua University students embrace local customs during Dragon Boat Festival| June 13, 2024

On June 8, which marked both China's Cultural and Natural Heritage Day and the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, both local and international students from Donghua University visited the Huang Daopo Memorial Hall in Xuhui district, Shanghai, where they engaged in traditional intangible cultural heritage activities.

When it comes to Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat racing is what usually comes to mind. However, the students on this trip got to participate in more intricate holiday customs. Dressed in hanfu, traditional Chinese clothing, the students got to try their hands at dragon dancing.


Students participate in a dragon dance. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

They also took part in traditional sports games such as shooting at wudu (shooting at images marked with five poisonous creatures that represent "five poisons"), playing cuju (an ancient Chinese football game), and spinning tops.

The Huang Daopo Memorial Hall is a national intangible cultural heritage site and it is a base for the inheritance of Wunijing cotton textile weaving techniques. Here, the students got to experience dyeing dragon-themed dolls and making traditional Dragon Boat Festival foods, such as zongzi (sticky rice dumplings). Through a series of games and hands-on activities, they gained a more comprehensive understanding of China’s traditional festival culture.


Students learn dyeing techniques. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]


Students, dressed in hanfu, show off their dyed dragons. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

Ayfara, from Turkey, stated that this was the first time that she had worn hanfu, and that she felt both excited and thrilled. She stated, "I’ve never tried on traditional Chinese clothes before. I feel like a princess!"

Anthony, from El Salvador, showcased his athletic prowess during a game of cuju. He remarked, "I often play soccer, but cuju is quite different. It's very interesting."


Source: "DHU-ISO" WeChat account