Shanghai University intl students experience cultural fusion in unique puppet show| June 20, 2024

On June 13, international students from Shanghai University were invited to the Shanghai Theatre Academy to enjoy the unique puppet show A Chameleon.

Adapted from the novel by Russian literary giant Anton Chekhov, this performance commemorated the 120th anniversary of Chekhov's death. Directed by Professor Qin Feng and his team at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, this adaption was localized to take place in ancient China. This performance, while preserving the essence of the original storyline, utilized puppetry to highlight the cultural exchange between China and Russia.

During the evening's performance, the actors showcased their superb skills by bringing the characters' personalities and emotional shifts to life. The use of mime and shadow puppetry techniques enriched the stage presentation. The audience felt as if they were transported through time and space, immersed in a world full of fantasy and imagination.


International students with skilled performers holding traditional Chinese puppets. [Photo/WeChat account: StudyatSHU]

After the performance, the international students expressed that the show not only deepened their understanding and appreciation of both Chinese and Russian cultures, but also allowed them to experience the charm of traditional Chinese puppetry. The fusion of different artistic forms provided them with a unique cultural perspective.


A group photo of the students and performers. [Photo/WeChat account: StudyatSHU]


Source: "StudyatSHU" WeChat account