Donghua University intl students gain insight at Orient International Group| June 24, 2024

On June 12, Donghua University organized a "Visiting Chinese Enterprises" event, taking its international students to visit Orient International (Holding) Co Ltd.


A group photo of the students. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

At Orient International Group, two staff members provided the students with a detailed overview of the company’s overseas presence and operations.

They showcased the company's global strategic layout, with a particular focus on its investment and business in countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, such as Ethiopia and Bangladesh.


Through data and case studies, the students gain a comprehensive understanding of the company's international development achievements. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

On-site technicians demonstrated the application of AI technology in seamlessly integrating modern design and production processes. In just one hour, the students witnessed the creation of a finished product, marveling at the efficiency and precision of this advanced production method.


The students try on clothes designed and produced using AI technology. [Photo/WeChat account: DHU-ISO]

Following this, the students toured the company’s testing area, production workshop, and ironing workshop, gaining insights into the entire production process from initial testing to final shaping.

This visit also acted as an extension of the company's previous recruitment event targeting Ethiopian students. Additionally, it provided international students with a valuable opportunity to understand the company's operational practices better.


Source: "DHU-ISO" WeChat account