Shanghai accelerates development of international board for reinsurance trading
Shanghai's international board for reinsurance trading has witnessed a surge in the establishment of reinsurance operation centers. Since the first batch in August 2023, the number of approved reinsurance operation centers has risen to 19.
Shanghai's financial industry sees tech transformation
Financial industry better-serving technology innovation and industrial transformation, as well as deepened reform of State-owned enterprises, are part of the highlights of Shanghai's economic development last year.
RMB globalization grows with expanding CIPS business
The renminbi Cross-border Interbank Payment System, or CIPS, is widely said to play a critical role in supporting the internationalization of the Chinese currency, the renminbi, and the development of Shanghai's role as an international financial center.
Third Green Finance Forum held in Putuo district
The 2024 3rd Green Finance Forum was held on Nov 7 at the Banma Suhe International Convention Center in Putuo district as a sideline event of the 7th China International Import Expo.
Shanghai's financial evolution captivates industry veteran
Shin Hyungkwan from South Korea has been in the financial industry for 32 years, with nearly half of that time spent in Shanghai as the CEO of China Capital Market Lab.
Shanghai's financial sector boosts sci-tech finance for SMEs
Shanghai's financial sector, encompassing banks, insurance companies, equity exchange platforms, and fund firms, is actively advancing the strategic focus on science and technology finance to elevate the city's global financial and tech innovation stature.