Journey through time| August 28, 2024
The birth of a star resembles the shape of an hourglass. [Photo/VCG]

时间 (shí jiān, time)

The character for 时 (shí), time, originally written 时, is a compound of three elements: 日 (rì), sun or day, 土(tǔ) , derived from 止(zhǐ), advance, and 寸 (cùn), meaning "take hold of" in ancient times. The four seasons are called 四时 (sì shí). When followed by 间 (jiān, space), it forms the word 时间 (shí jiān), which can be understood as "a space of time." A similar expression is 时空 (shí kōng, time and space).

Understandably, the characters for sun and day are often associated with duration. The sun was the most primitive way to measure the passage of time计算时间 (jì suàn shí jiān).

Einstein believed that traveling through space and time is like chasing after light. The Chinese made this discovery long ago, employing yet another way to describe time: 时光 (shí guāng), literally "time and light."

Common phrases of "time":


shí cháng/jīng cháng

often, frequently


gǎn shí jiān

chasing after time


làng fèi shí jiān

waste time


shí guāng fēi shì

Time flies.


shí jiān shì jīn qián

Time is money.


Source: China Today