Shanghai adventure with travel buddies
Editor's note:
驴友 (literally "donkey friend") is a homophone of 旅友 (travel buddy) and is commonly used to refer to enthusiasts of outdoor activities and independent travelers, specifically backpackers.

A: 最近有去哪儿旅行吗?
A: Have you traveled anywhere recently?
B: 是啊,我刚和一群驴友去了上海。
B: Yes, I just went to Shanghai with a group of backpackers.
A: 哇,上海好玩的地方特别多!你们都去了哪些地方?
A: Wow, there are so many exciting places in Shanghai! Where did you go?
B: 我们在上海待了三天。第一天去了外滩和南京路,第二天参观了上海博物馆和豫园,第三天去了迪士尼乐园。
B: We stayed in Shanghai for three days. On the first day, we went to the Bund and Nanjing Road. On the second day, we visited the Shanghai Museum and Yuyuan Garden. On the third day, we went to Disneyland.
A: 听起来很不错!你们是怎么认识的?
A: That sounds great! How did you meet?
B: 我们都是通过一个驴友俱乐部认识的,平时在网上交流,然后组织活动。
B: We met through a backpacking club. We usually communicate online and then plan activities together.
A: 我也想加入你们,下次有活动叫上我。
A: I'd like to join you. Please invite me next time.
B: 没问题!我们下个月计划去朱家角古镇,你可以一起来。
B: No problem! We’re planning a trip to Zhujiajiao Ancient Town next month. You can join us.
A: 太好了,我一定去!
A: Great! Count me in!
lǘ yǒu
travel buddy; backpacker
lǚ xíng
jù lè bù
jiā rù
zǔ zhī