Must-watch blockbuster: 'Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea'

A: 最近看了什么电影吗?
A: zuì jìn kàn le shén me diàn yǐng ma?
A: Have you seen any movies lately?
B: 刚看了《哪吒之魔童闹海》。超级好看!你看了吗?
B: gāng kàn le 《né zhā zhī mó tóng nào hǎi》, chāo jí hǎo kàn! nǐ kàn le ma?
B: I just watched Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea. It was fantastic! Have you seen it?
A: 还没,不过听说挺火的。这个电影主要讲了什么?
A: hái méi, bú guò tīng shuō tǐng huǒ de. zhè ge diàn yǐng zhǔ yào jiǎng le shén me?
A: Not yet, but I've heard it's quite popular. What's the movie about?
B: 讲的是“魔童”哪吒的故事,他一出生就被认为是灾星。
B: jiǎng de shì "mó tóng" né zhā de gù shì, tā yī chū shēng jiù bèi rèn wéi shì zāi xīng.
B: It's about the story of the "demon child" Ne Zha, who was considered a disaster from birth.
A: 设定挺新鲜的。剧情呢?
A: shè dìng tǐng xīn xiān de. jù qíng ne?
A: The premise sounds quite unique. How's the plot?
B: 剧情很反转,但我不能剧透!总之,电影里有很多精彩的打斗场面,还有不少搞笑的情节,特效也特别震撼。
B: jù qíng hěn fǎn zhuǎn, dàn wǒ bù néng jù tòu! zǒng zhī, diàn yǐng lǐ yǒu hěn duō jīng cǎi de dǎ dòu chǎng miàn, hái yǒu bù shǎo gǎo xiào de qíng jié, tè xiào yě tè bié zhèn hàn.
B: The plot has many twists, but I can't spoil it! The movie has many exciting fight scenes, lots of humor, and the special effects are absolutely stunning.
A: 哇,这么厉害。音乐怎么样?
A: wā, zhè me lì hài. yīn yuè zěn me yàng?
A: Wow, that sounds amazing. How's the music?
B: 音乐很棒,配乐非常契合剧情。特别是在一些关键场景,音乐真的能把情绪推到极致。
B: yīn yuè hěn bàng, pèi yuè fēi cháng qì hé jù qíng. tè bié shì zài yī xiē guān jiàn chǎng jǐng, yīn yuè zhēn de néng bǎ qíng xù tuī dào jí zhì.
B: The music is great, and really fits the story. Especially in key scenes, the music really elevates the emotions.
A: 听你这么说,我真想立刻去看。你觉得这部电影有什么特别之处吗?
A: tīng nǐ zhè me shuō, wǒ zhēn xiǎng lì kè qù kàn. nǐ jué de zhè bù diàn yǐng yǒu shén me tè bié zhī chù ma?
A: Hearing that makes me really want to watch it. What do you think is special about this movie?
B: 它不仅是一部娱乐片,还传递了很多深刻的道理。比如,要勇敢面对自己的命运,不要被别人的看法左右。
B: tā bù jǐn shì yí bù yú lè piàn, hái chuán dì le hěn duō shēn kè de dào lǐ. bǐ rú, yào yǒng gǎn miàn duì zì jǐ de mìng yùn, bú yào bèi bié rén de kàn fǎ zuǒ yòu.
B: It's not just an entertaining movie. It conveys many profound messages. For example, it teaches us to face our destiny bravely and not let others' opinions control us.
A: 听起来真的挺有意义的。谢谢推荐,我一定会去看的!
A: tīng qǐ lái zhēn de tǐng yǒu yì yì de. xiè xiè tuī jiàn, wǒ yí dìng huì qù kàn de!
A: It sounds really meaningful. Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely watch it!
B: 不客气!看完记得跟我分享你的感受哦!
B: bù kè qì! kàn wán jì dé gēn wǒ fēn xiǎng nǐ de gǎn shòu o!
B: You're welcome! Remember to share your thoughts with me after you watch it!
A: 没问题!
A: méi wèn tí!
A: No problem!