Overseas Chinese media outlets to actively cover CIIE

ciie.org| August 29, 2024

Fifteen overseas Chinese media journalists from 12 countries and regions including Canada, Germany, Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Egypt visited the China International Import Expo (CIIE) venue - the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) - on Aug 23.

The visit marked the conclusion of their media tour in Shanghai from Aug 18 to 23. During their time at the NECC (Shanghai), the Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the overseas Chinese media delegation visited the CIIE Culture Exhibition Hall to learn about the expo's development process and achievements.

At a meeting with the visiting delegation, Wu Zhengping, deputy director-general of the CIIE Bureau, highlighted the deep patriotism, strong economic prowess, intellectual wealth and extensive business networks of overseas Chinese nationals. He emphasized that the CIIE platform could harness their significant energy.

Wu called on the Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese media outlets to continue to support the development of the CIIE and the NECC (Shanghai). He also encouraged the federation and overseas Chinese media outlets to actively engage in publicity and reporting of the CIIE stories.

Qi Quansheng, chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, stated that the aim of the visit was to support the international visibility of the CIIE, contribute to its ongoing improvement, and facilitate overseas Chinese nationals in benefiting from the high-level opening-up opportunities presented by the CIIE and China. He pledged ongoing support from the federation towards the CIIE through the provision of friendship services.

The representatives of the overseas Chinese media outlets also expressed their commitment to promoting and reporting on the CIIE, with the goal of fostering bilateral economic and trade relations between China and their respective countries.


The Shanghai Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the overseas Chinese media delegation visit the CIIE Culture Exhibition Hall. [Photo/CIIE Bureau]