Everything you need to know about Shanghai's NEV policy
Purpose and basis
This guide is designed to be in line with the National New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021–35) — aiming to improve the air quality, reduce emissions and support the rapid growth of the NEV industry in Shanghai.
Scope of application
This policy applies to NEVs that:
Are included in the On-road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products announcement or other national directories.
Operate within Shanghai.
Meet the management regulations outlined in this policy.
Note: Public buses and taxis using NEVs are not covered by this policy.
Eligible consumers
1. Organizational users:
Shanghai-based government agencies, public institutions, enterprises, social organizations and other entities.
Must have good credit, pay social insurance for over five employees, or have continuously paid taxes in Shanghai for at least one year prior to the application.
2. Individual users:
Must have good credit and a valid driver's license.
Must not have incurred certain road traffic violations, such as a suspended or revoked license, or repeated traffic infractions in the past year.
Eligible individuals include:
- Residents with household registration in Shanghai.
- Active military personnel and armed police officers.
- Non-locals holding a Shanghai Residence Permit who have cumulatively paid social insurance or personal income tax in Shanghai for at least 36 months, within 48 months prior to the application date.
- Non-locals holding a Shanghai Residence Permit who meet the points-based system standard and have continuously paid social insurance or personal income tax in Shanghai for at least six months prior to the application date.
- Foreign nationals holding valid identification who have continuously paid social insurance or personal income tax in Shanghai for at least six months prior to the application date.
Free special license plate quotas
Shanghai provides free special license plate quotas for non-commercial NEVs, subject to the following conditions:
For individual users:
Must not own an NEV registered with a Shanghai-issued special license plate quota.
Must not possess a non-commercial vehicle quota certificate.
Must not own a non-commercial vehicle registered under a Shanghai quota (excluding motorcycles).
Note: The special license plate quota becomes void if the vehicle is scrapped, transferred, or deregistered.
Trade-in support
Individual users meeting consumer eligibility criteria may receive a special license plate quota under the following conditions:
Replacing an existing NEV using a special license plate quota with a new pure electric vehicle.
Owning multiple NEVs in Shanghai, transferring or scrapping one and replacing it with a new pure electric vehicle.
Application process for special license plate quotas
For vehicle replacements: Use the E-Charge mini program or website: https://echarge.evcard.vip/echarge-system/.
For other cases: Access the service via the Suishenban Citizen Cloud platform via Alipay, Suishenban app, or WeChat mini program. Select "New Energy Vehicle Special License Plate Application" from the "Services" menu.
The process has three stages: Eligibility verification, vehicle information confirmation and plate application.
1. Eligibility verification
- Complete the guided questionnaire and submit personal details.
- Results are sent via SMS within 5 workdays or can be checked on Suishenban.
2. Vehicle information confirmation
- Have your vehicle details entered by the manufacturer. Verify the information, sign the commitment form and submit.
- Results are sent within 4 workdays.
3. Plate application
- Upon approval, follow the guidelines for Emission Standard Certification, then visit the vehicle administration office for inspection and registration.
Vehicle registration
Submit the purchase invoice, license plate quota certificate, tax receipts and other required documents to the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Public Security for registration.
Vehicle transfer and modification
Ownership transfers or modifications must adhere to national vehicle registration regulations and the eligibility criteria outlined in this policy. The new owner must meet the requirements for consumers and license plate quotas. If these conditions are not met, the quota will not be reissued.
Supervision and accountability
Applicants and manufacturers are responsible for ensuring the authenticity of submitted materials.
Misrepresentation or misuse of NEVs (for example, for commercial purposes) will lead to penalties, including cancellation of license plate quotas and revocation of vehicle registrations.
Violators may also face restrictions on future applications and inclusion in Shanghai's public credit information platform.
Policy validity
This policy is effective from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
Sources: shanghai.gov.cn, "SHsuishenban" WeChat account