Shanghai Leading Talent Program of Eastern Talent Plan applications begin| September 09, 2024

The application review process for the 2024 Shanghai Leading Talent Program of Eastern Talent Plan (leading talent program) has started. Please check out the details.

I. Eligibility

The 2024 leading talent project aims to select and support around 120 people who have already achieved significant innovation results in relevant fields, made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Shanghai and have a professional team. The support period is generally three years. Applicants should meet the following conditions:

1. High-level professional and technical talent working in enterprises, institutions and social organizations with an independent legal status within Shanghai's administrative region, who have paid social insurance in Shanghai for a cumulative period of 12 months within the past two years.

2. Five or more years away from the statutory retirement age, i.e., born after Jan 1, 1969 (for women in enterprises, born after Jan 1, 1974).

3. Preferential recommendations:

(1) Talent with outstanding achievements in frontline positions in scientific research, production, or other professional and technical fields.

(2) Talent engaged in research at national laboratories, key national and municipal laboratories, major scientific facilities, key research centers, major project tasks, or other significant platforms – as well as in frontier basic and applied basic research, as well as key core technologies.

(3) Talent conducting research into Shanghai's integrated circuits, biopharmaceuticals and artificial intelligence industries, as well as in foundational research disciplines.

(4) Talent engaged in research work in the development of specialized industrial sectors within the five new towns.

(5) Original recipients of the Shanghai Youth Top Talent Program whose support period has ended (selected in 2021 or earlier) and who meet the eligibility criteria for the leading talent project, may apply without occupying their employer's recommendation quota.

4. The following individuals are not eligible to apply:

(1) Academicians of the two academies, directors of national laboratories, Talent Peak Project selectees and national talent program selectees (including the Changjiang Scholars Program and the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars).

(2) Selectees for Shanghai Magnolia Talent Plan's innovation and entrepreneurship projects, as well as the Eastern Talent Plan's team projects, leading talent projects (including the original Shanghai Leading Talent Training Plan) and entrepreneurship projects.

(3) Magnolia Talent Plan youth projects and Oriental Talent Plan top talent, youth and teacher projects selectees who are still in their initial employment or support period.

(4) Leaders of enterprises and institutions (municipal management cadres) who hold deputy bureau-level or above leadership positions and who no longer directly engage in professional and technical work – or those who hold dual roles but have no particularly outstanding professional and technical work achievements in the past two years.

 (5) Individuals who have applied twice consecutively without being selected and who have no new significant professional achievements in the current year.

II. Recommendation methods

1. Institution recommendations

Each institution should strictly follow the selection criteria for the leading talent project and recommend outstanding talent from their institution.

2. Expert or social organization recommendations

(1) Expert recommendations

Each expert can recommend one talent per year for any leading talent project. Candidates who are jointly recommended by one or more Talent Peak Project selectees in their field, a director of a national laboratory based in Shanghai, or two or more academicians in their field based in Shanghai – and who are recognized as meeting the average level of applicants in their field – can directly enter the final review stage without using the platform's recommendation quotas.

(2) Social organization recommendations

Legal organizations registered with government social group management departments, such as professional societies and industry associations, can recommend outstanding talent in their academic and technical fields who meet the applications criteria. Each social organization can recommend two individuals per year.

(3) Self-recommendations

Eligible outstanding talent can participate in their institution's leading talent project recommendations and selections through self-recommendations.

Applicants recommended by experts or social organizations must have their applications materials reviewed by their institution. Employers should review and approve candidates recommended through various channels and publicize them within the institution for no less than five working days. After public notice with no objections, the institution can submit the application.

Individuals must apply through the employer with whom they have a legal employment relationship (as indicated by their social insurance payment institution).

III. Recommendations platforms

Based on professional fields, eight selection and recommendations platforms are established: science and technology, education, health, enterprise innovation, finance, culture, agriculture and integration.

IV. Applications process

The municipal Talent Bureau establishes a review committee to guide and supervise the entire selections process for the leading talent project.

1. Recommendations and nominations

(1) Institution registrations (from now until Sept 6, 2024)

1. Employers log into the website of "Shanghai International Talent" – “One-Stop Application for Talent Plans" (人才计划一站申报) –"Unified Registration Entrance for Shanghai Talent Plans"(上海市人才计划申报统一报名入口) – "Shanghai leading talent project" application system ("上海市东方英才计划"申报系统) and complete the institution registration as prompted.

(2) Personal reporting, institution reviews and recommendations (Sept 6-18, 2024)

Registered institutions log in to the Shanghai leading talent project applications system to register the information of the personnel they plan to apply for, obtaining a personal account and password. 

Applicants log in with their account and fill in the required information.

Applicants recommended by experts or social organizations fill in the "expert recommendation form" or "social organization recommendation form", respectively.

Individuals submit materials to their institution for review. The institution reviews the materials against the original attachments. After verification, the institution uploads the stamped recommendation opinion and submits it to the corresponding acceptance point through the system.

2. Acceptance point review (Sept 18-27)

3. Platform initial evaluation (Sept 28-Oct 18)

4. Selection and approval


Source: WeChat account of "scofcom"