School launches Shanghai's first academy training global governance talent| May 23, 2024


The United Nations headquarters in New York.[Photo/VCG]

Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) has established the city's first academy dedicated to training talent for the international organizations.

The School of Global Governance of SUIBE offers undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs to enhance China's role in global affairs, following directives from the Ministry of Education and Shanghai municipal authorities.

Despite contributing 15.25 percent of the United Nations' budget from 2022 to 2024, China has only 1,336 staff members in the UN system, representing a mere 2.31 percent of the total. This talent shortfall hampers China's effectiveness in global governance, highlighting the need for more trained professionals.

Universities play a crucial role in addressing this gap. A 2023 directive from Shanghai's education authorities calls for targeted training programs to develop talent for international organizations.

SUIBE, a recognized WTO Chair and the only WTO regional training partner on the Chinese mainland, is well-positioned to lead this effort. The new academy is anticipated to utilize SUIBE's expertise in WTO and international trade governance to cultivate professionals with a global perspective, language proficiency, and a deep understanding of international rules and negotiations.

The academy aims to train five key types of talent: experts in international affairs; educators and researchers in global governance; professionals in foreign trade, law, and negotiation; managers for NGOs and foreign-related departments; and reserve talent for international organizations.

SUIBE's School of Global Governance will provide programs that offer instruction in English, Chinese, and French. 

Additionally, tt will be collaborating with international universities and organizations, as well as organizing specialized courses and extracurricular activities.

