Recap: Intl exchange activities of Shanghai leadership (Aug 19-25)| August 26, 2024

Aug 21 – Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining met with Marc N. Casper, president and CEO of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.

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Shanghai Party Secretary Chen Jining (right) meets with Marc N. Casper, president and CEO of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, on Aug 21. [Photo by Chen Zhengbao/WeChat account: shanghaifabu]

Chen encouraged Thermo Fisher Scientific to follow the trends of digitalization and green development and establish more innovative programs in the city. He expressed the aspiration to create a brighter future for global companies in Shanghai by establishing a first-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized, thoroughly implementing service package systems for key enterprises, and streamlining communication and coordination.

Casper highlighted Shanghai's status as a hub for Thermo Fisher Scientific's operations in China and the positive impact of Shanghai's favorable business environment. He conveyed his desire to continually increase investment in China and promote technological innovation and cooperation, achieving mutual benefits for all parties involved.




Aug 21 – Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng met with Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, prime minister of Djibouti.

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Gong Zheng (right) shakes hands with Abdoulkader Kamil Mohamed, prime minister of Djibouti, on Aug 21. [Photo/WeChat account: shanghaifabu]

Gong noted that Shanghai values highly its friendly exchanges with Djibouti. He encouraged Shanghai enterprises to invest and establish businesses in Djibouti and welcomed Djiboutian enterprises to be present at the China International Import Expo. He expressed a strong interest in strengthening exchanges in port construction, shipping services, education, and other fields to enhance the connectivity between China and the East African region.

Mohamed noted that Djibouti is the preferred investment destination for foreign capital in the East African region, and China is Djibouti's major investment partner. Mohamed emphasized the contributions of Shanghai enterprises to Djibouti's economic development and welcomed Chinese enterprises to invest in Djibouti, offering favorable conditions for their operations.

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