2024 Shanghai Summer School BRICS Program at Fudan University
The Shanghai Summer School BRICS Program 2024 by Fudan University aims to provide students and young researchers from BRICS countries an opportunity to better understand BRICS, China, Shanghai, and Fudan University.
International students of the 2023 program gather at Fudan University. [Photo/WeChat account: fudaniso]
Curriculum Introduction
The program provides participants with lectures throughout one month, consisting of three modules — "Global Governance and Cooperation among BRICS", "China’s Politics and Diplomacy", and "Happy in Shanghai", among which participants of "Global Governance and Cooperation among BRICS", "China's Politics and Diplomacy" will receive four credits.
The curriculum is listed below:
Dates and location
> Duration: July 8 – Aug 2, 2024
> Place: Handan Campus, Fudan University
Candidates and tuition
> Candidates: Undergraduates, graduates, or research fellows.
> Tuition and other fees:
1. The allocation of rooms depends on availability provided by the International Students Office.
2. Self-financing events on the schedule are not included in tuition. Round-trip tickets from your country and China, Visa fees, meals, and other personal costs will be paid by the participants. Cultural trips around Shanghai are self-financed events. Travel expenses are to be confirmed.
Scholarship students
1. Required materials:
> Curriculum Vitae (CV)
> Transcript of the program you are enrolled in
> A junior researcher can send us your certificates of honor
> Statement of purpose
> A completed application form
> At least one letter of recommendation by a professor or an associate professor
2. Application submission:
All application materials should be sent to the e-mail address (bricssummer@126.com)
3. Application deadline: May 5
The duration deadline for sending materials and recommending students by partner universities is May 4.
4. Announcement date: May 10
The admission list for scholarship students will be published on May 10 through the BRICS Information Sharing & Exchanging Platform (www.brics-info.org), Fudan Development Institute website (https://fddi.fudan.edu.cn/fddien/), and Facebook page (FUDAN BRICS PROGRAM).
5. Students recommended by partner universities who are not selected as scholarship students can contact us to be self-financing students without applying.
Self-financing students
1. Required materials:
> Curriculum Vitae (CV)
> Transcript of the program you are enrolled in
> A junior researcher can send certificates of honor
> Statement of purpose
> A completed application form
2. Application submission:
All the application materials should be sent to the e-mail address (bricssummer@126.com).
3. Application deadline: May 5
4. Announcement date: May 10
The admission list for the self-financing students will be published on May 10 through the BRICS Information Sharing & Exchanging Platform (www.brics-info.org), Fudan Development Institute website (https://fddi.fudan.edu.cn/fddien/) and Facebook page (FUDAN BRICS PROGRAM).
Program manager: Ms. Zhao & Ms. Hou & Ms. Wu
Telephone: 021-65642806
Email: bricssummer@126.com
Address: Room 909, West Main Building, Guanghua Towers, Fudan University, No 220, Handan Road, Shanghai, China, 200433
BRICS Information Sharing and Exchanging Platform: www.brics-info.org
Fudan Development Institute website (https://fddi.fudan.edu.cn/fddien/)
Source: "fudaniso" WeChat account