Shanghai's industries go digital and green

Digital Transformation

Shanghai has made dedicated efforts to promote digital transformation and build an international digital city with global influence. It will accelerate the application of digital technologies to continuously drive changes in the mode of production, lifestyle and urban governance.

By 2025, all manufacturers above the designated size in Shanghai will receive an assessment of digitalization level, and no less than 80 percent of them will complete digital transformation. The scale of core segments of industrial internet in Shanghai will reach 200 billion yuan ($28.04 billion).

The digital economy

Leveraging resources to build an international digital economy highland

By building new growth momentum, Shanghai will promote the diversified development of innovative economic norms, including the platform economy, digital economy, green economy, and night-time economy.

With the largest industry scale nationwide, Shanghai currently takes the lead in the digital economy in China. Besides, it was the first Chinese city to win the World Smart City Award.

Digital life

Improving digital infrastructure for a better urban life

Shanghai has created sound community spaces and service systems for its residents to enjoy a quality life empowered by innovative digital technologies.

Shanghai is the first city in China boasting dual gigabit networks. In 2022, it launched 869 innovative 5G applications and built 13,000 new 5G outdoor base stations.

The city has strengthened its role as an international information and communication hub, with the capacity of its submarine telecommunication cable reaching 22Tbps.

Digital resources

Continuing the tradition of openness to unleash the value of data resources

Putting cyber and data security first, Shanghai will integrate mechanisms and facilities with a balance between proactive defense and passive protection measures to build a safe and trustworthy environment for digital development.

The Implementation Measures for the Opening of Public Data in Shanghai was released in 2022.

The city has accelerated efforts to build itself into a global data port.

Shanghai ranked fourth in the list of 2022 Open Data Index of Global Important Cities.

Digital foundation

Applying digital technologies to create new engines for digital innovation

Shanghai will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of various industries and achieve major breakthroughs in new digital industries through technological innovation, in order to drive changes in the mode of production, lifestyle services and urban governance.

Eight municipal-level digital transformation demonstration areas have been established.

Forty smart factories will be built.

The Digital Partner Program has been fully implemented, in which 25 digital life pilot scenarios will be built.

Shanghai Data Exchange has launched the digital assets trading section.

Digital governance

Encouraging public engagement to establish a global role model for smart city governance

Shanghai will develop itself into a twin-mirror boundless city with accurate digital mapping of all elements for integrated virtual and real existences to interact. It will also fully deploy internet of things (IoT) devices to get the whole picture of the city.

The Government Online-Offline Shanghai Portal provides services of 3,588 items, enabling 84 percent of cases to be handled online.

Shanghai has been upgrading its digital urban management indicator system on the Single Platform for Urban Management, along with a number of special application scenarios being improved and put into practice.

Green and low-carbon transformation

To implement national strategies about carbon peak and carbon neutrality, Shanghai has introduced a series of policies including the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in Shanghai and the Action Plan for Promoting the Development of the Green and Low-carbon Industries in Shanghai, integrating green and low-carbon practices into the whole process of urban development.

By 2025, the scale of the green and low-carbon industry will exceed 500 billion yuan ($70.09 billion). A development pattern featuring two 100-billion-yuan level, five 10-billion-yuan level and several 1-billion-yuan level industry clusters will take shape.

Promoting carbon peak and carbon neutrality

Shanghai has issued and put into practice the Implementation Opinions for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality in Shanghai, Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in Shanghai, and supporting policies in key areas such as energy, construction, technology, hydrogen energy, and green finance. Meanwhile, one of the first national pilot projects for climate investment and financing was launched in Pudong New Area.

Shanghai has been rapidly promoting the offshore wind power project and "photovoltaic+" specialized project.

The Global Observance of World Cities Day 2022 and the second Sustainable Development Goals Cities Global Conference were held in Shanghai.

China's national emissions trading scheme (ETS) started operating in Shanghai. By the end of 2022, the quotas of carbon emission trading had amounted to 230 million metric tons, and the cumulative trading volume was 10.48 billion yuan.

Facilitating low-carbon transformation by sci-tech innovation

1) Improving carbon peak and carbon neutrality technology innovation systems

Shanghai has issued the Implementation Plan for Supporting Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality by Science and Technology in Shanghai, proposing ten scientific and technological supporting actions such as promoting green energy and low-carbon transformation. Meanwhile, it has developed technological innovation platforms, including the newly established Shanghai Technology Innovation Alliance for Carbon Neutrality and Shanghai Changxing Carbon Neutrality Innovation Industrial Park.

The demonstration projects of green and low-carbon technology application have been launched, in particular the first 200kW solid oxide water electrolysis hydrogen production verification device in China.

2) Pushing forward the development of green technology funds

Shanghai has further innovated the "technology + finance" model by establishing a green technology equity investment fund to promote the coordinated development of technology and finance.

A collaborative network has been built, in which the city works with research institutions, international organizations and leading companies through partnership programs to develop green technologies. Shanghai has also fostered a full-chain service support capability, involving more than 1,600 experts and 119 service agencies and international organizations in the green industry.

3) Accelerating the development of green and smart energy systems

China's first integrated energy management platform covering water, electricity, oil, gas and hydrogen was launched in the Lin-gang Special Area.

The world's first super capacitor-powered ferry "New Ecological Ferry" was put into service between Changxing Island and Hengsha Island, achieving low-noise and zero-emission operation.

Shanghai has been planning a near-zero-carbon travel technology system to improve the energy efficiency of urban rail transit.

Fostering green and low-carbon industries

1) Focusing on the uppermost of industry chains & leading in advantageous industries

Cutting-edge technologies

High-end equipment

High energy efficiency

2) Advancing the development of industry clusters & expanding industry segments

New energy vehicles (NEVs)

Hydrogen energy

3) Exploring application scenarios & grabbing opportunities in new sectors

Green materials

Carbon trading and carbon finance

4) Strengthening integrated innovation & achieving development through new innovations

Carbon capture and application

Smart grid


Source: Shanghai Foreign Investment Guide 2023


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