Residence permits for work (marked part-time job)

I. Who can apply:

Expats who meet the following conditions may apply for residence permits for work (marked Part-time job):

1. High-level foreign talents who work in key institutions of higher learning, research institutes and well-known enterprises in China, while also being engaged in part-time jobs in other organizations;

2. Expats who work in organizations in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone or Shanghai Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (the "Two Zones") or a mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases ("demonstration base"), while also being engaged in part-time innovation and entrepreneurship at organizations in the Two Zones or a demonstration base.

II. Documents required:

1. The applicant's original, valid passport and visa;

2. A completed Visa and Residence Permit Application Form for Foreigners, and the applicant shall go to the local exit-entry administration of public security organs in person to take a free photograph, or the applicant who meets the relevant requirement of applying for visa without coming in person shall submit one color identification photo (taken within 6 months, white background, 2-inch, bareheaded, without modification, photographic paper printed, without smears);

3. A health certificate issued by a domestic entry-exit inspection and quarantine department within the past 6 months (applicants under 18 or over 70 and holding valid residence permits are exempt from this requirement);

4. An original and photocopy of the business license or registration certificate of the employer and the organization where the applicant works as a part-time employee, and, if the business license does not contain the unified social credit code, its organizational code certificate (unless the organization has already been registered, or for repeated applicants with the same organization);

5. An original and photocopy of the Work Permit for Foreigners and a printed copy of the information obtained by scanning the QR code on it (applicants holding a Type L-B Shanghai Residence Permit are exempt from this requirement).

6. One of the following supporting documents consistent with the applicant's identity and reason for application:

(1) Applicants qualified under Article I1 shall submit an application letter from the employer, a proof verifying part-time innovation and entrepreneurship issued by the organization where the applicant works as a part-time employee, and a contract or agreement on part-time employment;

(2) Applicants qualified under Article I2 shall submit an application letter from the employer, a proof verifying part-time innovation and entrepreneurship issued by the organization where the applicant works as a part-time employee, and a part-time registration confirmation letter issued by a relevant department at either of the Two Zones or a demonstration base.

Notes: 1. Key institutions of higher learning and research institutes in China refer to the universities under the Double First Class University Plan, as well as 7 categories of research institutes including national laboratories, national key laboratories, national engineering laboratories, national engineering research centers, national enterprise technology centers, national engineering technology research centers and foreign investment R&D centers; well-known enterprises in China refer to the top 500 Chinese enterprises selected by the China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association, the organizations included in the Shanghai sci-tech innovation occupation list, and the organizations established by the Fortune Global 500 companies in Shanghai.

2. In-person application is required for the first time. Subsequent applications may be made by the applicant's organization or part-time employer or a relative by providing relevant documents. The aforesaid documents under ArticleII3are not required for residence permit renewals within three months of expiration.

3. Exit-entry administrations of public security organs may, as they deem necessary, require applicants to attend an interview or submit additional supporting documents (such as proof of financial support, proof of change of information such as name, or business operation certificate, etc.). Applications which fail to provide the requisite information within the required time will be rejected, unless caused by a force majeure event.

4. All decisions of exit-entry administrations of public security organs rejecting applications for extension, replacement or re-issuance of ordinary visas, or rejecting expats' applications for residence permits or permit extensions, shall be final.

III.Online service

Click here to apply for a Residence Permit for work (marked part-time job) online.

